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Heeey early squad~

We got a feel-y chapter today~ at least I hope... they be talking about feelings today's! y a y

TW// talk of abortions, meds, and other things I don't know how to warn, just, proceed with caution I guess

Not edited


   "I'm sorry, at the moment overnight stays for visitors are not allowed." The nurse answered them with a sorrowful tone.

   Johnny bit his lip, glancing over at Yuta who looked at them with an ounce of fear and worry. "Are you sure we can't stay? Not even one of us? What if something happens? He can't speak much English!" He tried to convince the nurse. It was late and the visiting hours were over and they weren't permitted to stay. And Yuta was getting anxious knowing they'll have to leave him alone for the night, he didn't necessary like hospitals nor liked staying the night in one. He also wasn't the best in English and would definitely prefer if Johnny, Jaehyun, or Mark, to stay with him in case the doctors need to speak to them about something.

   "You sure?"

   "Yeah I'm sure dude," Yuta snapped out of his anxious trance at the sounds of a conversation in korean. He looked in time to see the guys starting to file out te hospital room, Mark, Taeyong, and Johnny lingering by the door. The younger spoke, "You guys need rest, we'll be fine!" Mark chided, gently pushing them out the room.

   Once they were out, Yuta asked, "Mark?" H was confused, he thought everyone would have to leave?

   The younger ran a hand through his hair as he walked over, "Oh yeah hyung, we got them to let one of us to stay with you. I hope you don't mind that it's me." Mark chuckled nervously.

   Yuta paused to think before breaking out in a smile, scooting over in his bed, the twins in bassinets beside him, and patted the bed, "Come, lay with me!"

   Not needing to say a word, Mark just shrugged and slid in beside him, the elder leaning his head on his shoulder, they've always had a cuddly relationship, so it was nothing new really; except for the fact that recently Yuta had distanced himself the slightest bit due to the secret he had been hiding.

   They sat against the headboard in silence, a comfortable silence with only the lmao beside them and the moonlight coming in from the window to light the room, Mark tapping the beat to one of their songs on the Japanese's thigh before he asked in a whisper, as if he didn't want to break the silence, "Hyung, why didn't you tell us?"

Mark felt Yuta still against his shoulder for a moment before quietly responding, "I was scared... and sort of, ashamed?" He said, a bit unsure himself. "I was ashamed of my biology I guess. I-It's unnatural, and I always ignored it, I didn't want to acknowledge that I was from you all." He shifted a bit closer to the younger, which the Canadian welcomed, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "So I guess... I just, I was stubborn and when I realized the symptoms, I didn't want to accept that I was having a baby so I ignored it, in hopes it'd just... go away. -Even after I went to the doctor's and he confirmed it... I had just hoped it'd go away." His voice grew softer and quieter, glancing over to the twins before whispering, "But it didn't..."

Mark was quiet, thinking, letting it sink in.


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