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"MALLIKA! MALLIKA, COME INSIDE. It's raining heavily. You might catch a cold. Mallika!" A girl in her 20s was screaming at someone from their house window pane.

"PLEASE SOME MORE TIME! Please Mon, I'll be right back in a minute." Mallika screamed back from outside.

"Don't you remember mom and dad left from the city for some days and they had left you in my responsibility? As your big sister, I have to protect you in their absence!" Monika, her dear sister yelled.

"MON! Stop your melodrama, please. For fucks sake you're only one year older than me or saying as if I'll die now or then." Mallika frowned.

"Okay, okay, I admit I'm at fault here. But please come inside sis or else it would be me earning scoldings. Please..." Monika made a puppy face which forced her to melt immediately.

"OKAY! I'm coming. How can I reject my dear sister's request?" finally Mallika came inside.

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"Mon, you know na how much I love rainy seasons, why you make me come inside? there would be nothing wrong if I stayed a little." Mallika frowned at her sister.

"I very well know how much you love. Last time how you were shivering like a wet pussy." Monika mocked.

"Okay. Leave those talks, let's find some interesting topic." Mallika suggested.

"By the way, do we've to sit all the time alone in this house from now?" Monika asked sadly.

"Hmm... same, also what can we do?" Mallika told when her phone started ringing.

"Mom is calling!" she whispered to Monika as she gestured for her to receive the call.

" mom...please....ok...yes...we'll manage...bye mom..." Mallika cut the call and noticed her sister's face who was eager to know what mom said.

"Mom was saying they can't return before a month. Granny isn't well. So we've to stay here for ONE FUCKING MONTH!" Mallika replied frustratingly.

"Mallika...I think we should've visited somewhere. What do you think?" Monika suggested Mallika lighten up her mood.

"Right Mon! The proposal sounds inviting. Also, we hadn't left outside for such a long time. I think it's the best opportunity for us to enjoy our trip freely." Mallika told excitedly.

Monika didn't think that she would take it seriously.

"But we'll go alone? Isn't it too risky?" Monika asked cautiously.

"No bro! We're not going to a haunted place, right? Let's go to Auntie's place. Her house isn't too far. Also, it's been a while since we weren't visiting them!" Mallika suggested.

"Yes, you're saying good but should we talk with mom and dad?" Monika enquired.

"NO NO! we can't tell mom about this or else she'll not let us go. And also we've to surprise Auntie too!" Mallika told.

"Okay. As you say. We can go tomorrow, the train is available nowadays." Monika remarked.

"OK!" Mallika replied happily and hugged her sister.

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