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*Continues with Mallika's POV*

Chutki screamed in fear. We rushed to see what happened and what we saw was enough to give anyone a heart attack.

We saw Helly was drenching in her own pool of blood. Seemed like she fell from the terrace.

Mon examined her pulse and nodded negatively.

Her face was pale as if someone sucked out all the blood from her body. Her eyes were still open as if she saw something scary before death.

'But how did she fall from there?'

'What happened with her last night?'

'Does Sumedh know about this?'

My vision started to blur. My cheeks were already wet. I was having a hard time standing straight as my knees won't stop trembling. 

Suddenly I heard Mon calling my name.

"Ma-mallika... See..." Mon pointed towards Helly's junction area, where the neck and shoulder meet.

I came towards the body and saw the same two blue dots there like mine, except it was way deeper.

I looked toward Mon and could see the fear in her face.

"Are you thinking the same as what I'm thinking? This is that Vampire case Mallika!" she told me.

I stood numb there, fully shocked.

'So this vampire case is real?'

'If this is true then where is the vampire?'

'Did Helly know about him?'

'If yes then why didn't she tell us?'

I came back to my trances by the horning sound of the police car.

"Yes. This is one of the unsolved cases. We can't find the culprit. Our force is trying many ways to figure him out, but Every time we failed. When we checked the CCTV we saw a man, wearing a black colored dress, we can't recognize him. But suddenly he disappeared... I think this isn't the work of an ordinary human. Including this now it is a total of 16 murders. Be careful!" The Police officer warned us and left from there with her body.

After they left Sumedh came there with a bouquet. He was looking so happy. Maybe today he came to propose to her for marriage.

I couldn't control my tears to see him.

When he came toward us, his smile faded away to see our pale faces. He saw some blood drops on the floor.

He then asked me what happened,  and where was Helly.

What would I tell him now? I tried hard to keep my tears back but they started flowing down smoothly.

"MALLIKA TELL ME WHY ARE YOU CRYING? WHERE IS MY HELLY??!!!MALLIKA, ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTION!!" He yelled loudly. Tears started rolling down his cheeks too. I couldn't control myself anymore and hugged him tightly.

"He-helly i-is no mo-more... Sumedh." I sobbed very hard.

He stood there expressionless. He pushed me back.

"You're kidding me yaa Mallika? TELL ME NA YOU'RE KIDDING WITH ME MALLIKA!!" he yelled jerking my shoulders.

"Su-Sumedh ple-please con-control your-yourself Sumedh... Please it's... It's the truth." I tried to convince him with my sobbing voice.

He kneeled on the ground and burst out crying.

He sobbed very hard that I too swept down in front of him and hugged him tightly to assure him. He too hugged me back and cried and cried, until there were no tears left. I patted his back. 

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