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Mallika's POV,

"Sumedh, what about Delusia? Do you know her?" I asked him with desperation in my voice. I knew if I had to save him, I had to know everything about the old Vampire and Delusia. And as he was now in his mind, I shouldn't let the opportunity go.

"... AM I YOUR FUCKING SERVANT?" I flinched by his sudden.

Shit. His Vampire self was back. Now I couldn't do anything.

"Sumedh I-" I gasped when he pushed me into the mattress as my back hit the bed. He leaned his body towards me and his lips were just inches away from mine. I saw his clenched jaw, and darkened eyes— he stared at me intensely.

My breath hitched as he inhaled my scent— running his nose up and down my nape. His hot inhales fanned and I felt a wet sensation between my thighs.

I felt something unknown in my body and my hand involuntarily touched his eyelids then simultaneously his cheekbones, lip, and jawline, and rested on his neck. I saw the sparkles vibrating between my fingers and he closed his eyes, leaning himself more in my touches.

He glanced down at me. His eyes softened. He cupped my face with both of his palms,

"Cadbury, this place isn't safe for you. I don't know how or when he would cast spell on me and I end up ki- Please, leave from here before my vampire self took over me. You're an angel Mallika. You don't deserve a Satan like me. Please, just leave..." For the first time, I saw his eyes glistening with concern and so much care for me. How could I leave this soul, when he showed me his most vulnerable side?

I couldn't help but wrapped my palms around his neck and pulled him, even more, closer if that was possible.

"Do you love me?" I whispered but without answering he smashed his lips with mine for a gentle kiss only for making it more passionate with me reciprocating. Our tongues fought for dominance and after giving the last bite on my lower lip, he left me breathless.

"Stop. Or else I don't fucking control myself after this. I don't want to destroy your innocence, Cadbury." his husky voice croaked out as he removed his gaze from another side but I forced him to look at me by cupping his face.

"Then mark me as yours!" my voice was greedy, for his touch.

As soon as those words left my mouth as if something snapped inside him. I awakened the primal beast inside him.

The next moment I watched in awe as the atmosphere changed and we were no longer in our casual dresses— me in an white long gown like an angel and him in a red-black suit like the most handsome devil, in the middle of a serene garden with the moonlight falling over us.

We sat down in a floral soft bed with him on top of me. I chuckled to look at his confused face.

"Do you notice this? Nature itself wants us together." Only then did his eyes snap back at the surrounding before giving me a last glance through his eyes but when I nodded I could see the dark clouds covered in his eyes. 

He sensually moved his fingertips from the top of my feet to all over my body and stopped near my shoulder blade. He lifted me up so our faces were inches apart. He slowly removed my white gown while I too helped his suit and pants accordingly, leaving him in his boxers and mine in just my underwear.

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