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Mallika's POV,

"SUMEDH! SUMEDH! ARE YOU HERE?" I was screaming his name from past half an hour but he wasn't responding. First he himself called me here, at the back of the garden, now he himself vaporized?


I continued to walk passed by the big wooden trees. As I was walking I felt someone's presence behind me, following me everywhere but when I turned there was none to be seen.

I was really very confused but thinking it as an hallucination I shrugged it off.

I didn't know which time it was because the surroundings seemed a bit dark and I understood I lost my way.

Sweat drops were coming out from my forehead, palms we're all sweaty and my knees started trembling.

Where I can find him now?

What if I'll lost in this jungle forever?

NO! I've to find him at any cost.

Sumedh where are you?

I tasted the salty water drops which were rolling down to my lips. I couldn't think straight, my head started spinning. Wherever I took a step, I came back to there again and again as if it was some kind of puzzle.

Suddenly a cringe but livable castle came in contact with my sight and before I could understand I started walking towards it, like some kind of magnetic energy pulled my body unwillingly at the entrance.

A ray of hope peaking out within me to think might be Sumedh would be here. But my inner powers didn't agree me with it, as it became sirening me not to put forth a step.

But I did, going against it.

Only if I would know the worst consequences.

When I stepped into the house, a gush of cold wind blew past me, indicating someone's presence and it definitely giving me bad vibes.

My curiosity poked me and my heart was hammering against my ribcage in tension as if it could burst out at any moment. I'd the strong urge to find who the person was and why I felt something big gonna be happened.

I went upstairs and a bunch of bats running past over me by hitting their wings. I looked around the mansion. It was very dark so I'd to use my power and by a power ball within my hands I walked forward.

"Hello? Can anybody hear?" I yelled to catch attention but I got silence in reply.

"Finally... Mallika..!" A deep husky voice said from behind me and I flinched by the intensity of it.

I looked around but found no one which confused me to the core.

But all of a sudden a rough hand came in contact with my mouth and before I could scream the person dragged me upstairs to a particular room.

From the corner of my eye I could see it was a black hooded man with a scarlet red eyes.


Of course Mallika, it's their land afterall.

A gasp left from my mouth as he pinned me against the wall. Panick began to form in my chest to look at his eye, they were burning with utmost lust.

"W-who a-are you?" I asked breathless to which he chuckled darkly,

"You know me. Don't you?" He then started to unmasking himself and when the black cloth touched the floor my eyes popped out from my socket to see the person in front of me.

POV ends

There was standing Akshay smirking down at Mallika.

It was too shock for her to see him there. She couldn't believe her own eyes.

"Yo-you can't be Ak-akshay-"

"Yes! I'm Akshay! Your friend Akshay, your lover Akshay, Mallika..." she was shivering uncontrollably by his voice.

"Wh-what do you want from me?"


"NOOO! I'M NOT YOURS, I LOVE SUMEDH!" she yelled at his face.

"SUMEDH! SUMEDH! SUMEDH!" He banged his fists beside the wall as she flinched in fear. "He got everything which was meant for me. Why would he get every beautiful girl? Why not me? Dad always prefers him to go with the girls but never me. Because he was fucking afraid if the police catches me so he put forth Sumedh into this then it'll be him only the culprit while he wasn't able to remain in his human disguise at night which I was able to, that's why you can't recognise me in night, until father increased his energy to get you here" he scoffed. "But this time I won't let you to go with him. You'll be mine Mallika! The first time when I saw you, I fall in love with you" his eyes were dangerously close to Mallika and she just wanted to invisible from his sight now or then. She couldn't believe Akshay was a vampire.

"Bu-but your parents-"

"No. They're not my parents. They never be. I killed their younger son and disguise as him. How foolish they must be are" she covered her mouth, couldn't process the words that left from his mouth.

"Th-then who's your-"

"Mr. Jonas, the old vampire" she was taken aback by his shocking statement. Things slowly started to clear off from her mind. It was Delusia's son whom she wanted to warn her in the dream.

"Your father killed your mother-"

"I know, so what? She needed to be killed. She should have to give her powers to her son, not some stranger right?" A tear drop rolled down from her cheeks to hear this heartless person's statement who wasn't a bit of guilty or sad for the deth of her mother. She felt disgusted by his touch so she tried to remove his hold and ran from there but he looked at her with a wicked smile in his face.

"I'll let you go this soon? Today I'll make you all mine Mallika Singh. I'll destroy every part where that bastard Sumedh touched you and cover then with my love. I promise I'll give you more pleasure th-" before he could complete she spit on his face causing the white saliva rolled down from his chin as his eyes went dark.

"It'll be fun to punish you now darling"

"It'll be fun to punish you now darling"

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