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"Shit. What the fuck this girl is doing so late. It's already 6, now come, please. No, I've to go check by myself." Sid murmured frustratingly.

He entered the college and next to the cabin, but couldn't find Monika there. He searched everywhere but couldn't find a single trace of her.

He started panicking. Sweat beads were forming over his forehead.

Suddenly something hit his mind as he went to the basement and found Monika was lying on the floor unconsciously. He quickly rushed over to her and sprinkled some water on her face.

To his relief, she opened her eyes.

"Mon, Monika...Monika...What happen? Mon are you alright? Why did you become unconscious?" Sid asked with concern.

"Bh-bhaiya... Ma-Mallika... where is she? Please take me to her." Mon requested him in urgency. Fear covered her full face.

"Okay. But at least tell me what happened? And why are you looking so scared? Mallika is alright. She's at home." Sid assured her but she was adamant to see her little sister with her own eyes.

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Mallika was laying down on her bed, thinking about something. Then suddenly Sumedh barged into her room.

"You here? This time?" Mallika questioned him.

"Why? Can't I?" Sumedh told him sitting beside her. He put his hands on her and squeezed them gently. Mallika could feel the warmth provided by his touch.

"Mallika... Thank you for taking care of me. If not you, I don't know if I can behave normally like today. It's really difficult for me to forget her. I don't think I ever will. I swear who killed her I'm gonna give them a painful death. But do you have any idea who can be the person?" he questioned Mallika.

"I know Sumedh you love her, but you've to be strong. I can't be with you every time. And about Helly, firstly we've to search for the vampire. Who's him and why is he doing such? I believe if we try to console him he'll definitely listen to us. They're not as bad as we think. Devils aren't born, they are made of. It's like a drug, such that if they themselves want they can't run away from it." Mallika told. A sudden teardrop rolled from his eyes without being noticed.

"Mallika... Are you sure that they're not evil? Are they deserve freedom from the darkness? Please tell me na Mallika..." His voice was pleading as if he was wanting to know even the lie from her mouth.

"Yes Sumedh, of course, they are," Mallika assured him. But he continued,

"What if they try to harm you too? Will you still take their side?" Sumedh asked her.

"I never thought about myself. I don't know. Will they listen to me or not. But you know love...That one word has enough power which forces the devil to kneel. And I just believe it. I don't want to know anything." Mallika told him.

"What? Where have you been gone?" Mallika snapped her fingers in front of him to break his trance.

"Mal-" he was about to speak when Monika entered her room with tear stricken face.

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