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Mallika's POV

It's been few days since I was working here. Since Sumedh made me his maid.

I tried hard to figure out the riddle hundredth of time but i failed miserably to which I thought the nature was too against me.

I made my way while cleaning the mess as I stopped near a room by some sounds.

I eavesdropping and regreted it as soon as I heard Tiffany's moaning and Sumedh's groaning and skin slapping together.

They had sex.

The mere thought broke my heart to tiny billion pieces that I wouldn't shocked if I was a sobbing mess now. I loved him with all my heart. I even agreed to change him by risking my life.

But all he gave me to heart break.

I couldn't stay there any longer so I ran from there.

My life felt miserable. I didn't want to live anymore. There was no chance to be alive after what he did with me. It hurted so much than the pain of death.

Only death could give me the peace I was craving. May be only may be then the pain could decrease.

I found myself near the high railing- the hard ground beneath staring back at me. Assuring it did swallow me up.

But What was i going to do??

I couldn't do this. Not until I've some sort of hope still in my hands.

The crown.


It's my last and only hope to survive in this hell hole and I willingly shouldn't miss this. I'd to try for the last time. For me.

I wiped my tears back and left from the terrace, thinking all the way how to get the crown.

Just as I was wondering, a sudden idea clicked my mind and I smiled at myself.

If he didn't have the crown, then who else will have it?

I slowly peeked inside the old Vampire's cabin and internally thanked God that it was empty. He wasn't there.

I cautiously started searching here and there, hoping to find any clue about the riddle.

Half an hour later when I couldn't find anything, I finally lost hope as tears started prickling down from my eyes for the frustration and depression.

This wasn't my work.

I huffed. Disappointedly just when I was about to leave the room, I banged with something hard and there was the most largest cupboard which was made of like mehogony wood stood tall in front of me.


"To the hugest wood which covering it with shy"

I read the line again and again while simultaneously looking up at the huge thing.

I thought I get it.

The hugest wood meant this cupboard since it was made of wood and I'd never saw this huge one in my whole life.

The crown was covering into it with a shy means secretly.


Feeling overjoyed I tried to open it just when,

"What are you doing her" a voice came from behind and I froze at my spot.


I slowly turned around to meet with Sumedh's suspicious gaze as he glared at me.

I was lucky enough to put back the paper into my pocket or else he could find out easily.

"I-i just thought to cle-"

"You don't have to clean here. Leave" he ordered seemed angry and I did so felt relieved.

Next day for sure. I promised to myself.

━━━━━━ ◦ ♥️ ◦ ━━━━━━

The next day I woke up too early eager to get the last ray of hope.

I heard that The old Vampire left for some work- he used to in the morning and showed up at night.

I'd to do it as fast as possible before anyone caught me.

I glanced the adjacent as everything got quite. With slow and careful steps I finally came face to face with the same cupboard again.

I kind of feeling so much happy that it wasn't locked though I found it a bit suspicious that if that crown was as precious for him then why the hell he didn't lock it up?

But then there wasn't the time things such to care for. Luck was with me and I was grateful for that.

"To the possession of blood which has wings in it,
Have your eyes you finding in"

I read the line again and again while searching for something which matched with the words.

Suddenly my eyes got stuck to a red hollow box to a corner which architecture was almost like a bat's wing.

"Wings in it" i repeated and took out the box as there was a certain small button over it which quite seemed like passcode.

"Possession of blood..." It meant Vampire. Because it was only then who were possesive over blood stuffs.

I pressed vampire to the keyboard and waiting breathlessly for it to open but I frowned to see it write wrong.

I typed again and again but still it was same.

How the hell this was possible.

As I was trying I couldn't look someone standing beside me as the person's hot breathe fanning over my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I felt it watching my every movement as my heart picked up it's pace.

"It's quite amazing to play hide and seek with you, Cadbury" Sumedh's husky voice caused to me to drop the box. Fear coursed through my veins as my knee got weaker.

"I-i umm.. i-i just-"

"Shh ....i knew Everything. Do you find me this much dumb that yesterday I couldn't get your behaviour while I asked you questions? Well then I've to admit you're so dumb. Because it was just me who unlocked the cupboard and changed the password yesterday night. Don't you feel a bit suspicious that how Master can unlock the door which is such important?"

Yes I was stupid. So fucking stupid that I wanted to kill myself for my stupidity.

Of course they were not. How damn I could forget Sumedh had his reading mind ability yesterday too.

I made things horrible.

It was my mistake.

"Well now it's time for some punishment..."


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