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"Perfect" sumedh complimented as soon as he stepped into their room.

Mallika was draping in a red shiny gown as her curved perfectly displayed through it. The diamond necklace glowing like a star under her moonlike angelic face.

The magical crown moved from her head from all this chaos and fighting with Akshay- probably the reason she couldn't use her powers. She thanked God that he didn't notice it or else she would lost everything.

Even she didn't tell Sumedh yet. Because she knew Sumedh was manipulated by the old vampire and he could know the truth.

After noticing Sumedh will come soon and she'd not enough time to adjust it she hid it under her bra as the small material easily melted in it.

Sumedh came forward and extended his arm- gestured her to grasp it and she did it as they both made their way to downstairs.

When she was in front of the living room a loud gasp left from her mouth to see the decoration. The estate was decorated extravagantly

The whole adjacent radiating with lime glow as few pink bows cascading down from the wall. In the middle there was a round table covering with white silk sheet while petals of red roses scattered along with it. Several candle lights illuminating the whole view as ethereal as ever and there lingering saccharine fragrance.

An effortless smile creeped across Mallika's face to see the decoration as she smiled at Sumedh who was looking at anything but her.

"It's mesmerizing..." She breathed as they both headed towards the table and Sumedh put forth the chair- helping her to sit; next after followed by.

He chuckled to look at her curious face before intertwining their hands over the table as she gazed there.

"I know you're wondering why this all" he paused "Mallika I admit that I hurted you a lot. But today I want to fix this all. After seeing you with that bastard my blood boiled. The thought loosing you giving me nightmares. But see my fate..." His dry chuckle was full of humour "I've to bring you here for my own selfish reason. There's only one month to appear the full blood moon and that vampire would...I can't Mallika. I can't afford to loose you not I can my mother. Yesterday I visited her, she was looking much better now. Doctor said she was improving....with master's help. After killing you she will be alive again, all healthy..."

She cupped his cheeks with her hands and wiped away some tear which unconsciously falling down while he was talking.

"He's lying Sumedh. There is nothing, no one can save your mother except doctors. This black magic can't help but only destroys. He wants to kill me because of his own selfishness, trust me. He didn't at all care about you. I recognised him for the first day and you can't by living so many years with him"

"I don't know Mallika. But I can't. I can't help it but trust him. After you enter in my life his powers on me loosened and he's mad about it. But I don't know why he's behind me when there was his own son-"

"Because he's afraid that if police catches then it would be you not him. Vampires power decreases in the morning and theres no way to kill a huge fauz all in a night. They're still trying to find you" a worried expression took over Mallika's face

"Then I myself will surrender to them. I don't want to live in this hell hole anymore. I don't want to put YOU through it. You deserve better; more better than this Mallika. I just want-"

Before he could complete his sentence, he noticed her stiffened on her seat. Her blouse started itching- probably for the tiny sharp material cutting her soft flesh there.

Seeing her uncomfortableness Sumedh's eyes followed in between her chest and his eyes darkened to see something poking through it.

In a blink of eye Sumedh pinned her fragile body to the nearby wall as with a thump he caged her in between his arms.

Inhaling, exhaling.

His dark eyes roamed over her chest and she could feel the blood rushed to her cheeks.

"What is this" he brushed his fingers across the thin fabric of her dress as her breath hitched.

"N-no-nothing..." She managed to speak though it came out as a mere whisper. Her heartbeat frantic.

"You left no choice" she couldn't get the chance to process his words before his big hands ran under her bra and grasped the small blue crown as her nipples erect by his cold touch.

She closed her eyes and let out a shaky moan as he twirled his finger over her hard buds before took out the thing from there.

Couldn't feeling his warmth presence around her she slowly opened her lids- escaping from the daze. His touch was something she's craving for.

"Sumedh..... Where are you?" Mallika yelled for atleast ten times but shockingly there wasn't a single trace of him.

She ran towards the dark room, beside the balcony. The moonlight was shining through the windows of the house crafting a mysterious hue. The white curtain was floating in the air rhythmically as if humming a tune.

"Cadbury...." His husky voice echoed the surroundings and it was sounding more horror filled in this night.

Suddenly she recalled his last conversation,

"wha...what do you want.. Blood....Or....Love?!" She stuttered. Her head pounded harshly. It was more than a question but wanting to know his unfinished sentence. If she was guessing it right what he actually was going to want from her. Might be then he'll show up!

But no one responded. Suddenly a jolt of current passed through her spine- indicating someone's presence just behind her. Someone whispered into her ear.

"I...want...YOU....rr BLOOD!" he replied with his husky voice.

At the moment he put his sharp teeth on her neck and sucked it. Blood started flowing from her neck. She screamed in pain and became unconscious. He picked her up in bridal style. A lone tear escaped from his eyes but somehow he managed it to not fall down. He disappeared!

 He disappeared!

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