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Mallika's POV,

I slowly opened my eyes as faint whispers were coming into my ears.

Just a minute ago I was awake— talking with Sumedh right? Then how I'm falling asleep again!

My head snapped beside me as I heard a groan. My eyes widened to see Sumedh tied up by chain; just like me except I having rope.

"Su-sumedh...." I managed to whisper and he looked at me— the same shock expression on his face.

"How..?" We said in unison as Sumedh looked around, scanning the adjacent. I did the same.

The room was huge, smelling some weird liquids, ashes scattering everywhere as in the middle there was some blackish material where a big star is drawn. There's a small window from where a red light illuminated the room. And it slowly made senses.

"Shit.." Sumedh muttered under his breath but enough for me to hear.

"What?" I asked out of breath. It kinda suffocating there.

"Today is the Full blood moon Eve. Mallika we're in danger" he finished out of breath looking panicked.

He tried to cut the chains by his sharp fangs but in vain. He positioned his hands and closed his eyes but only a little spark ignited for a second and disappeared.

"What the fuck" he growled being irritated. His eyes shining bright red indicating he was very angry.

"He snatches my powers" he panted. Tears of frustration gathered into the corner of his eyes and my heart clenched to see him in pain.

"Sumedh" i called him.

"I don't even have the guts to save you. I'm responsible for this" he bangs his tied fists over the chain as blood started oozing out from it.

"NO! you're not. What you did just to save your mother. If I was you I'll do the same. And believe me I'm not more proud of anything. Please don't blame yourself" I paused to see him staring at me with an unknown expression I couldn't understand "Anyways it's for good overall. Today after my death you'll be set free and your mother will be fully cured. After that you'll be happy forever in your life"

I didn't notice Sumedh dragged his chained body over me and scoots me closer. The amount of pain I saw his eyes just unexplainable and I thought life could be better plan for us.

Just he was about to say something the room door opened revealing the two figures.

"Enough love birds. Now it's time for saying goodbyes" the old Vampire chirped with his high pitched voice while Akshay just smirked down at us, his eyes were pitched black as lust dancing across into them.

"Master please release me" Sumedh begged but a sternness in his voice.

"Oops this is so sad to see you like this. But I've no choice son" he mocked.

"But I'm with you. I need my mother safe. Then why this?"

"Haha...whom are you kidding with? I very well aware what you want and what not. From the first day after you met with Mallika, you've not any idea how much I invested my powers just to control your heart by overshadowing your beast. That blood which I was giving you to drink was the most ruthless Vampire's so that you're turning into one of this. Yes! It was me the barrier between you. From decades I'm waiting for this moment and it's finally the day of my dreams when I'll be the one and only king of this world. I'll rule over the earth. This little girl-" he pointed towards me, "she has no idea how much powers she has within her. i didn't think she'll be able to come your real self back from your inner monster because he's so strong to leave your body. And today I'll sacrifice her heart to the demon king as by drinking her blood it'll reach me to my destination"

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