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"Doctor, is anything serious? we can't understand anything. She told us that her ears were bleeding, but whenever we checked we couldn't find any traces of blood. Is she going through some mental problems?" Sid asked the doctor who examined her worriedly.

"Even I can't understand her strange behavior, Mr. Singhania. Because as you can see, there are no symptoms like that. She's completely fine except for the marks on her back. By the way, I'm giving her some medicines. Feed her those after she wakes up, hopefully after some time, so don't worry." saying this the doctor left from there.

"Mom, this all is happening because of me right? My marriage brings such darkness to our home. First that Vampire, Helly's death, and now Mallika's bad condition. Why doesn't he leave her, mom? Tomorrow is my wedding, and how can I marry when Mallika is fighting with death?" Kiran started weeping on her mother's chest while she was trying to console her that everything would be fine.

Monika wasn't in a good state also. She was afraid. She couldn't live if anything bad happened to her baby sister.

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Mallika was sitting on her bed and staring blankly at the ceiling. Her mind, void of any emotions, refused to believe what was happening around her.

After gaining consciousness Doctor discharged her as they took her home.

Entering her room, Monika kept some food on the table but she was in no mood for eating a morsel. Her appetite was long gone.

In those short period of time, her parents too came as they told everything which happened to her.

They panicked. What else they could do at that moment when everything is already gone far long.

Mallika couldn't even go to her father and hug him alike before. What would be a better punishment for a daughter to not touch her own father? She never felt this much vulnerable in her whole life.

Keeping her head close to her knees she started sobbing silently.

'It's all my fault. I shouldn't believe him. Just for me, today's none is happy for Kiran's wedding. Even I can't go downstairs now. What kind of illusion is this that none can see the blood only me?' Goosebumps prickled her skin when suddenly she sensed someone's unholy presence in the room.

"Tum ro kyu rahi ho?" A gruff voice asked, making her heart leap out from her chest.

She turned around swiftly only to meet with those hazel hypnotizing orbs.

Sumedh was sitting on the edge of the bed with all his devilish glory and was looking at her intensely. His scarlet eyes, living imagination of hell.

All her anger and frustration started crashing down like a flood from her body after seeing her destroyer sitting there with a grin. Her body trembled with rage.

"Why're you doing this with me, huh? What did I do to you? I don't care whether you're a vampire or a human, you just tell me, why the fuck are you doing this with me?" Mallika spat at his face in frustration while grabbing her hair into her fists, pulling it roughly.

Anything to reduce the stress.

"Uh-huh, don't you even know what you've done to me? You've got my heart, Cadbury. Now I get angry even seeing another male around you. I'll never ever let you go near any men." Sumedh replied in a dangerous tone.

"What about my father, uncle, and Sid? What's their fault in this? They're my family!" she asked him when he came near her in a lightning speed.

"I don't care who's your family and who's not. Why, there are your mom, aunty, and sisters in this house. Can't you stay with them? You're only mine. I can't tolerate any men other than me coming near you." he growled in a possessive tone making a shiver run down her spine.

"Oh, so that was your spell? Then I'll come near them for sure. Do whatever the fuck you want Mr. Mudgalkar. If I've to endure more pain then also I'll go. Let me see what can you do to stop me!" Mallika hissed out angrily.

"Don't anger me, Cadbury. You can't even imagine what I'm capable of. You can lose your life too." He spoke calmly through gritted teeth.

She was feeling scared but didn't want to let him see his words affected her. So ignoring his threat she got up from the bed and stormed toward the living room.

Only if she knew...

Only if she knew

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