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Mallika's POV,

A sharp pain welcomed my back as soon as I came back to my senses.

Slowly opening my eyes, I looked around to see it was morning and Mon was sleeping beside me.

'What happened?' The first question popped up in my mind.

Yesterday's incidents started appearing one by one and my body trembled with terror.

In my whole life, I had never become this much scared. Yes, I always wanted to be a paranormalist, I wanted to talk with ghosts, I wanted to understand them, why after death they remained in this world, how's their world, because I didn't know why but I use to believe that they were not that much bad what we human thought.

But yesterday's incident shattered my point of view.

I never imagined in my wildest nightmares Sumedh could do this with me. I trusted him and he broke that trust, he broke our friendship, and he broke me.

Akshay was right, he was indeed the vampire, who killed many innocent girls. Only if I believed him because it was too late now.

But the question which was bothering me, if he was that powerful then why he hadn't killed me yet? Why did he ask me to love him back?

"Mallika, you wake up?" Monika got up from the bed quickly and started checking me up and down.

"It's paining, right? I fucking knew it. Maine tujhe pehle hi kaha tha, wo Sumedh mujhe pehle se thik nhi lagta tha, it's you who always glued to him. Now see, what had he done to you. Thank god Akshay reached at the right time or else we'll lose you forever Mallika." Her eyes moistened as she hugged me.

"Ouch!" I winced as her bone-crushing hug became too painful for me to bear. Hearing my voice she quickly separated, mouthing a 'sorry' sheepishly.

"Alright. Now go and freshen up. Everyone's waiting for you downstairs. And yes, I've applied the ointment on your back. Be careful." Monika advised me and left the room. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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Meanwhile there Sumedh was throwing things here and there in a dark room.

"Arghh... WHY? WHY THIS IS HAPPENING TO ME? WHY THE FUCK AM I FEELING PAIN FOR HURTING MY CADBURY? I'm a monster. Then why the fuck am I crying? Monsters are forbidden from crying, right?" he screamed in agony. Somewhere guilt was consuming him.

"Sumedh, calm down. Take this." a man near his 60s covered with fully black attire gave him a glass full of blood and Sumedh gulped it down in one breath.

He kept the glass aside and looked at him.

His eyes slowly started to turn red, as a devilish smirk captured his lips.

"Now tell me, did she agree?" The man asked.

"No." Sumedh replied frustratingly, "Your powers didn't work on her this time also."

"I knew it. Now I'm fully sure she's the one whom I was finding for so many years." the man replied.

"But, you've such powerful spells, then why the fuck can't hypnotize her?" Sumedh asked.

"Because she's God's Child and that's why her blood is so special and I want it. AT ANY COST!" the man gritted his teeth.

"But can't we bring her here?" Sumedh asked him.

"How many times I've to tell you that no we can't because of that damn curse. If we dared to do it, we may lose our lives." The man banged the table with his fists and looked away from him.

"But what should we do now, if she doesn't agree?" Sumedh asked him impatiently.

"Think. Do whatever the fuck you can but I just want her, or you know what can I do if you failed to do so before the Super blood moon appears. I think you never want to see her dead, are you?" The man asked him with an evil smirk, "and never... never ever raise your voice against me little boy, or else you won't like the consequences."

"Okay, Master, as you say," Sumedh said through clenched teeth and left from there.

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Mallika was in deep thoughts about Sumedh. Once she thought he was good and the next time he was none but satan himself with an angelic mask.

His memories which she cherished, were now the cause of her traumatic behavior. Once the blissful memories were now a disgusting scar on her heart, which she couldn't remove.

She came out of the bathroom and changed herself.

She went downstairs and watched as everyone sat on the sofa and was discussing something. She could see everyone but they didn't see her yet.

She was feeling guilty that because of her, Kiran's wedding became dull. They had to tell the guests to leave. 

Taking in a sharp breath she walked towards them.

All of a sudden she started feeling drowsy. Every step she took ahead her ears started painting and buzzing. She couldn't understand a thing that was happening to her.

Her hands instinctively reached to her ear as she felt something wet in her palm.

Shakily when she looked at it the ground beneath her slipped from her feet.

There was blood.

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