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Mallika winced in pain as Sumedh began to rub the ointment over her deep cuts which turned into a blue-plurplish colour by now. She had lost every energy to protest him from touching her bare body. So she let him be.

His face was emotionless but his way of applying told that something inside him too melting slowly.

"Is it hurting that much?" Sumedh asked refrained from looking straight into her eyes.

Mallika couldn't understand if she should laugh or cry to hear his question.

"Not at all after what you did with my heart" she replied nonchalantly. Last night He didn't at all gave her a piece of food to eat, a piece of cloth to cover and in morning he came to ask her if it was hurting or not.

"I did nothing bad. I just doing all these to save my moth-"

"So? It's right to kill me?" Tears started to gather in her eyes.

"I can do anything to save her. If it means to kill you then....yes" his voice raised.

"You're playing with my emotions all the time, pretending like you love me as your wife-"

"Oh c'mon Mallika. Do you really that stupid to think it was an marriage and I'LL marry YOU? The Sumedh Mudgalkar who killed a numerous girls just for his own wish" his words sounded as sharp as knife.

"It was just a trap for you to fall in love with me. And look you trapped easily. So that we can snatch the crown from you which was missing from the past few weeks. I informed master that it was none other than you because I caught you that day to use some powers practicing with yourself. Didn't you?" His confrontation shook the ground beneath her. He knew it all and fooling her in those days.

"Wh-what will you go-gonna do with me?" Her voice stammering due to fear.

"From now I'll never raise my hands on you if you tell me how you got the crown" he asked, Impatiently.

"I can't tell him about Delusia. They can stop her from coming towards me. Witches never dies. Her soul is yet alive" Mallika thought.

"I can read minds Cadbury. Did you forget?" Sumedh whispered huskily into her ear as her eyes widened.

"No-NO PL-PLEASE..." she begged.

"It's Delusia right. I should've to inform master" saying this he left her screaming and pleading his name.

Now her last hope Delusia too was gone.

She spent her day burying her face under the pillow, crying and sobbing. She felt herself nasty by his touches. He never loved her, always lust over her body. But what mistake did she do by loving him with all her heart?

Feeling exhausted she thought to take a good shower as her whole body aching.

Just when she stepped out from the bathroom, her room door opened once again causing her to jump at her position.

"Come here" Sumedh ordered and gestured her to sit beside him on the bed.

He placed a full plate of food in front of her, "Eat" saying this he removed his face on other side.

"Eat.." she mimicked him and too removed her face to another side.

"I said godamn eat Mallika or else..."

"Or else what Mr Mudgalkar. Will you best me again?"

He closed his eyes to calm himself and took the plate in his palm.

"Open your mouth" but when she shook her head he forcefully made her to eat the morsel and she glared at him.

Although having a very empty appetite she couldn't deny further and started enjoying the food- he was feeding.

She unconsciously moaned at the delicious taste and found him cursed under his breath before grumbled, "Don't do that"

After finishing he stood and left.

Mallika closed her eyes and trying to sleep- hoping she could meet with Delusia and asked her to escape from here, but the nightmares kept haunting her and it became more horrible now because now there was Sumedh too with Akshay.

Chest clutched, dress torn, hands on everywhere.

She woke up; panting heavily and gulped a glass of water.

"" She continued as the panick attack knocking "te-ten..." She huffed, somehow managed to grasp her unusual state.

Her eyes watering to think about her family. She betrayed them for this monster. She was missing them terribly.
Monika's blabbering today like music to her ears which she eager to hear once more.

She thought if that day she didn't visit her Masi- probably 'Sumedh' would be then just a name for her.

She herself was responsible for her plight today.

He told there's one week left for her to appear full blood moon. So on her time to flees from there.

And she'd to make it asap. And now she had no retreat to stay here.

But for this she'd to find out where the crown was and so to meet Delusia. Without powers she couldn't fight with this demons. And she had to do it carefully as they could read minds.

She lied back- tried hardest to not think about anything anymore but to focus on Delusia. She prayed God this time she shouldn't be failed.

Some times later she wiggled her brows in dream as she found herself sitting on the lush green ground with Delusia standing right in front of her with her usual kind smile.

"I know my child why are you remembering me. But I can't tell you from where you can get it back. I can just give you hints"


"To the shining orbs which shimmering under the sky,
To the hugest wood which covering it with shy,
To the possession of blood which has wings in it,
Have your eyes you finding in"

Mallika's eyes flung opened as she got up from the bed quickly- processing each and every word in her mind she noted it down and hide it.

She sneakily made her way to downstairs to look if anyone's there or not. When she found none she began reading the enigma,

"To the shining orbs which shimmering under the sky" she bagan to think.

"If it's mention the crown then orbs... YEAH! the crown has two blue diamonds crafted in front which are meant orbs which shimmering whenever I came under the blue sky. YES!" she became happy to solve the first line.

"To the huges-" she stopped abruptly to hear some noises coming from the kitchen.

Without thinking she slowly peaked in and gasped to see the programme"

Without thinking she slowly peaked in and gasped to see the programme"

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