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Mallika started panting heavily to hear his statement. 

Devil's land.

It meant that he had brought her to his kingdom, which was far away from the material world. In this dreadful house, without her loved ones, how was she supposed to live in? She thought that he would bring her to some nearby place— afterall he was in his human disguise now.

But all her hope vanished when he saw him leaning towards her face, drinking her every facial feature, lingering on her lips. She got panicked after seeing him so close to her, his dreadful red eyes could be clearly visible as his smirk only personified his demonic self.

Before he could do anything, she threw herself in his arms, wrapping her hands around his neck and forcing his body to collapse over her. Became flabbergasted by her action he blinked once, twice, thrice as his eyes started softening. Her salty drops of tears wet his shoulder as she whispered like a prayer, "please don't leave me."

As if in a reflex his arms folded against her back, securing her petite frame from the evil outside, from himself.

He hugged her tightly so that her body was almost covered with his mighty arms and she felt protected for the first time. He traced her bruised neck with his fingertips as he left a soft kiss over there and the bite mark vanished.




He noticed her head was slightly tilted, as her body was losing its warmth. He parted from her as her head dropped in his palms.

She was having a seizure attack.

"Cadbury? What happen? Please o-open your eyes. Wake up! See your Sumedh is here." he patted her cheeks as for the first time fear engulfed his sight– to lose someone— his love.

He looked at the surroundings as he snapped his fingers and the very next moment the room changed into a beautiful Jasmine floral architecture.

"Look, there are no more scary things now, please open your eyes." but she didn't respond as with each passing second her temperature decreased. She started to freeze.

He couldn't think straight anymore as his heart signaled she must have to be fine. He would do anything to save her.

How ironic. When he was the one of her that state.

A tear rolled down from his cheeks—  witnessing as he cried after decades, for a mortal girl he brought here to kill.

Without wasting a minute, he started to open his shirt. The dim light of the room was enough to provide him to let him see the hook of her dress as in one swift motion he made her naked and cuddle with her, covering them with the soft velvety blanket.

The scene was quite surprising that the devil of lust didn't even try to look at her body nor took advantage of it instead he just closed his lids all the while rubbing her back soothingly, placing her head on his chest.

"Shh... Relax. I'm here. None will harm you." he kissed her hair softly and whispered those words.

After exactly an hour when he felt her temperature increase a bit he left a desperate sigh of relief.

He made her lay properly on the bed and made his way towards the exit ensuring he wore his shirt.

━━━━━━ ◦ ♥️ ◦ ━━━━━━

"Bravo! You did a great job, slave. Finally, you succeed to bring her here. Now we've to wait for only three months, and after that, we'll be able to ki-" the old vampire couldn't complete his sentence as Sumedh threw him near the wall and started choking his neck making him roll his eyes backward.

"DON'T. YOU. DARE. TO. HARM. HER. SHE. IS. MINE." Sumedh's eyes popped out of their socket as anger dripped down from his eyes. Veins appeared on his neck.

The old man somehow managed to catch the glass of blood beside the table as he threw the red liquid at him.

It covered his face as his grip loosened on him and he flinched back. He blinked— as if in a daze, hanging his head low.

A dirty smirk plastered on the old man's lips as he called out, "Now tell me Sumedh, what's our next goal?"

Sumedh, looked up at him, with the same evil smirk, replied, "To kill Mallika."

They clicked their glass of blood together and gulped it down in one go as the room was covered with their sinful waves of laughter.

After placing the empty glass on the table Sumedh made his way toward her room.

After placing the empty glass on the table Sumedh made his way toward her room

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