Is Nookie Cheatin ...

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Quavo POV

As I watched Nookie talk to that person in the car and finally she got done talking I see a guy with a hat get out of that Mercedes parked next to Nookie go to her door and opens it an helped Nookie out the car and he puts his arm around her neck and she started smiling as  they walked in Olive Garden.

Damn I thought Nookie done with me ask I pulled off I Called her once but it kept ringing I called her again and it went straight to voicemail

Quavo:  No she didn't turn her phone off

He called one more time

Nookie:  Hello

Quavo: Where u at

Nookie:  Riding around

Quavo:  Ha u riding around

Nookie:  Lemme call u back

She hangs up

She cheating on me I thought so I called set

Set:  Hello

Quavo:  Wassup

Set: Nun chilling with my bae

Quavo:  Oh fr u knoe Nookie cheating on me

Set:  "Fr stop playing Lyniece" he said

Lyniece:  Tell him to call u back

Set:  Ayee lemme call you back " you play to much "

                ~Phone hangs up~

I pull up to Nookie house and waits for her

Hours past and Nookie comes home in the middle of the night

Nookie POV

I tooked my heels off and creeped up the stairs and turns my light on and see Quavo up sitting in the dark

Quavo:  Where u been

Nookie:  Boyy I've been taking care of my business

Quavo:  Knock it off man

Nookie:  What Chu talm bout

Quavo:  Mann I saw u at Olive Garden with some nigga

Nookie:  I don't know What you talm bout

I gets up and grabs her arm ...


Update tomorrow Nookie anit do nun but now it's a problem cuz she met up with a friend Quavo so off

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now