So Your Taking Other Virginity Away (Guest Stars Asia and Mya)

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New girls in Town 

Asia POV 

I was lying down in the bed waiting on Quavo to get done with his shower that's when his phone went off because he got a message

Nookie (BabyMama) : Quavo where you at .. Zia has Ballet Practice today and she want's you to come and see her practice 

I thought to myself he got a BabyMama and a Daughter WTF. That's when he walked in the room and stared at me because I had his phone

Asia: Mhmm BabyMama Nookie called 

Quavo: BabyMama

Asia: Bruhhh I knoe you got a daughter and a BabyMama name Nookie

Quavo: Why go going threw my phone

As he snatched it away from her

Quavo: You hoes go learn not to go threw my phone i'm tried of yall hoes thinkin yall can go threw my phone without a care in da world

Asia: Your done we done and FUCK YOU

Asia got up and left out the room

Mya: Were you going Bestfrann

Asia wippin her tears away

Asia: Mya he lied to me he has a daughter n a babymama

Mya: Nahh no way


Asia walked out the door and slamed it


Offset: I think that was Asia

Quavo walked into the living room pissed

Rich: What happend


Mya stared at quavo in the eye


As she walked out the door

Rich: WTF

Offset: What happend

Quavo: Nookie texted and I guess she saw it an whatever

Takeoff: TOLD YO ASS

Meanwhile with Asia and Mya 

As me and Mya drove home in silence Mya came up wit an Idea she said lets show up at Quavo Babymama house so I thought to myself lets do this shit. I made a U turn and headed down a street 5 minutes later we pulled up to a big ass house with 2 doors Mya walked out and started knocking on the door and there was some Long hair Darskin thick girl with a baby Next to her

Noookie: Angel go si down till we ready to go pick up Zia for Ballet practice

Mya: Umm sorry to disturb you are you Quavo babymama

Nookie: Yes

Mya: Yall have a daughter right ..

Nookie: Noo we have 2 Daughters

Asia: Ohh.... well Quavo was just in the bed wit me I didn't knoe you were his babymama I didn't even knoe he HAD a BABYMAMA-gco

Nookie: Uhh soo whats your point ..?

Mya: Ohhh this bitc-gco

Nookie: Hello

Asia: Well sense you wanna be a disrespectful bitch Quavo took my virginity and I been messing wit him for how long and ohh did I mention I was the one he was taking out to dinner 


She slamed the door in my face

Mya: Ohh dat bitch gotta temper

Me nd Asia pulled and thought hahha Quavo ass fucked up

The Life Of: Nookie & Quavo 

Nookie POV 

I sat Angel on the couch and tied up Angel shoes and thought wow these bitches just came to my property and talked shit but I'm satly that Quavo buying bitches dinner n shit  then taking other BITCHES virginity oh hell nah lemme take my kids to my momma house cuz this shit finna be a rude awaking fo him I picked up Angel put her in the back seat and went to pick Zia up from Ballet Practice then dropped them off to my mommas house. After they left I drove home walked threw the front door and started to get shit ready.

I walked around the house turned off all the lights grabbed Quavo clothes and threw them off my patio n into the pool and thought ohh hell yeah shit finna get physical.

Quavo POV 

I left the house and thought FUCK ASIA AGGY ASS I'm going home to my babies even though I anit been home in 2 days but I miss them I drove to the gates and saw that they were already opened so I pulled in and hit the close button, I hoped out and car and into the house it was about 10 pm at night and dark asf. I walked in the house and it was dark asf and I couldn't see I hit my leg n shit on glass table and started tripping n shit I walked up the stairs and that's when I heard a glass getting thrown At me.



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