Friends with Beneifits ?!

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Quavo POV

Rubbing my orbs I reached over the table while grabbing my phone seeing no missed calls nor texts. I looked at the cock seeing it was 11 o'clock in the morning.

I looked around the room seeing everyone sleep so I just decided to head home. Stepping out as the sun beam hit my face I yawned heading towards my Chevrolet Camaro getting in as I pulled off.

Maybe I should bring her some breakfast ....


"He hasn't texted nor called me Lyniece ... What should I do?" I sighed.

"Girl I don't know ... But a bitch is sleep right now..."

"Uhhh! You're no help at all!"

"Nookie, it's 11 o'clock in the  morning, just give it some time and stop overreacting." She added with a yawn.

"Your right but I did kinda did tell him I would leave him for good ... But I was just angry at the moment, I hope he didn't take what I said to the heart."

"Girl, I'm pretty sure his insensitive ass ain't take shit to the heart just give it some time." She said before hanging up.

What a bitch...

I got up out of bed heading towards the bathroom taking care of my hygiene then heading back to my room putting on my slides.

Scrolling down my timeline I headed downstairs, Flipping on lights as I went towards the cabinet grabbing me a glass and pouring some orange juice.

"I really need to go grocery shopping.." I mumbled while scratching my hair.

Pulling out my bar stool I took a seat while reaching for the bag of bagels before hearing a knock on the door.

I jumped out of my seat hoping it was my man, and it was fluffing my hair one last time I opened the door while fake sighing.

Quavo POV

"Yo ass needa fix that attitude of yours before speaking to me" I mean mugged her.

She said nothing but went up the stairs with me hot on her ass.

"Quavo, I'm really not on your bullshit today ... I'm really not, honestly." She flopped on the bed crossing her arms.

Clenching on my jaw, I nodded.

"Since you wanna act like ah big ass baby I guess I gotta treat chu like one." I said while picking her up off the bed rocking her as she laughed.

Laying her on the bed I couldn't help but just to stare at all her features.

"Stopppp your making me nervous, what are you looking at?" She blushed.

"Mah future... I ah be damned if I lost you" I kissed her neck over and over again.

I slowly traced my hand up her thigh trying to get acess into her shorts.

Nookie POV

As much as I wanted Quavo right now I couldn't just give it up that easy.

"Noo stop, you gotta earn this!" I smirked.

"Tell me what I gotta do to please youuu? Tell me anything you say I'll dooo cause' I only wanna make you happy and from the bottom of my heart is true." He sang as I smiled.

"No but forreal baby, I wanna go on a date... A double date or something! somewhere fun like dinner and bowling or go karts?"
"Whatever you want baby, I'm down and don't bring no ugly friend cause' that's gon make us look bad."

Laughing I hit his arm, "I don't have any ugly friends! The fuck, don't come for my friends!"

"Then who you bringing?" He twisted his lips."

"You'll see."


The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now