BabyMama Erica !!

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Erica in MM

Lyniece POV 

I couldn't belive what I saw .. my bestfriend had been beaten and tied up in a basement left for dead, It looked like she was sleep or just staring at the wall that's when somebody walked threw the basement door and I started to hide and peek on the side to see if I can reconigze the face that's when that dumb mf quavo go start yeeling out the window making it obvious 

Quavo: NEICE get out they yard they probably white and think you tryna break in

I tried my best to tell his ass to stfu but who ever that person was heard his ass and left the basment and I heard a backdooor starting to open so I hop the fence and jumped into Nookie & Quavo backyard and grabbed they lawnmorrer like I was about to mo they lawn

???:  What's up with all that yelling

He said coming inside Nookie backyard

Lyniece: Nun that's just my dumb ass .. WAIT your RICH HOMIE QUAN I never knew you live next door to my bestfriend .. have you seen her

I said tryna play dumb

Quan: Ohh nah I anit seen her

Quavo: Wait .. QUAN you live next door .. I never knew that but yeah don't try to holla at my babymama again

Quan: Oh yeah my bad but I anit go talk to her no more

Lyniece: Can we see yo phone 

Quan: Yeah it's in my house

Me and Quavo started to follow him inside his house and we went inside the living room and he handed us his phone

Quan: I'm finna go use the bathroom .. but stay in the living room

Quavo: Damnn you acting suspiouc like we finna steal

Quan: Ohh nahh but make yourself at home

He said as he went to the bathroom

Lyniece: Quavo you fucking dummy .. stop being friends with him HE HAS NOOKIE IN HIS BASEMENT


Lyniece: We can't make this shit obvious I will keep him busy while you go get her out

Quavo: Aight

That's when Quan walked out the bathroom I know what I'm finna do go make Set made asf at me but it's for the best.

Quavo: Damnn I gotta pee real bad .. where da bathroom

Quan pointed to the bathroom as Quavo walked to it

Lyniece: Soo quan how you been

I said as I started to fake flirt

Quavo POV 

I turned on the bathroom light and shut the door to fake like I was in there I walked downstairs and and it was hella rooms down there I walked in one room and it was filled with gun I grabbed a AK47 and mass other guns and started playing with them till I forgot I had to go get Nookie I walked down the logest fucking hall and looked in everyroom and it was 1 more room left I twisted the nobbed and it opened I walked in the room slowly and looked staright and seen Nookie beatn and it looked like she was raped I just dropped to the ground in tears. I couldn't belive what I saw it was some SICK shit it has done to her.

I walked up to her and rubbed her face and saw her lip was busted but I didn't care I gave her a kiss on the lips and I guess she felt it and woke up 

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now