Proposal ..!?!

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 Nookie POV 

After we got done talking I noticed Camren and Takeoff really hitting it off that's when Madison came up to me

Madison: Can I take the girls with me tonight I wanna spend some time with them 

Nookie: Girl go head free night for me

I laughed

Madison started leaving and she took my girls with her leaving Me,Quavo,Takeoff and Camren 

Takeoff: You ready to go

Camren: Yeah

Nookie: Yall nasty

As they left out the door leaving me and Quavo 

Quavo: Just the two of us

He sang

Nookie: You stupid 

Quavo: Come here

He grabbed my hand and took me upstairs and into are old room

Quavo: Remember this room were we made Zia and Angel

Nookie: Boyy

As she laughed 

Quavo: Nahh foreal I missed you

As he took her purse and threw it on the floor an grabbed her by her waist and started kissing her 

"What are you doing"  I said as he kissed me all over my body

" You don't know how much I missed you" He said as he threw me on the bed

He threw me on the bed and started to kiss on my neck as I moaned uncontrolly, He began to remove my shirt and left me with my Black Lace Bra on. He unbutton my shorts as I took off his shirt and kissed on my chest as he removed my underwear. 

Quavo POV 

I began to take off her underwear as I entered her slowly 

"Uhhh" She said as I started to pick up my pace 

I moved in and out of her tight entrace as she started to pull on my dreads

"Get on all fours" I said 

She got on all fours as I entered her again. I moved in and out of her as I sped up my pace, I grabbed her hair as she moaned making her moan even louder 

"Ahh shit I finna cum" I said as I went a lil faster as I sweated

"Me too" she said as she started shaking

I pulled out of her as I rolled over to the other side of the bed breathing very hard 

"Nookie despite all the shit we've been threw I truly love you" I said

" I love you too" As she kissed me 

Nookie POV 

I got out of bed and put on one of his shirts and layed back down I put my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep that night.


I woke up this morning feeling very sore I went in the bathroom brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walkedback in the room and started getting dress that's when Quavo woke up

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now