Family first

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Nookie POV

I woke up in the hospital bed next to Zia and Quavo I got up and saw here breathing and just thanked god I hoped out the bed went to the nearest bathroom that's when I walked back in and seen Quavo woke he asked can he talk to me I said yeah and we went to the back of the room 

Quavo: I gotta tell you something

Nookie: What

Zia woke up

Zia: Mommy 

She started crying and we walked over there I gave her a kiss and Quavo did too 

Zia: Mommy I wanna go home

Nookie: You have to wait till the doctor says you can becuz you hit your head

Zia touches her head

Zia: I hit my head on the floor, I was crying

Quavo: You hit it pretty hard too

The doctor comes in 

Doctor: I see the family is wided away

She sat her paper work down and came to Zia

Doctor: Hey sweetheart how ya doing

Zia: Ok I wanna go home

Doctor: You do I do too but hey can I speak to the parents real quick

They walks towards her

Doctor: Ok she looks pretty cleared but wewill have to run 1 more test to see if she has brain damage and if she doesn't you all are good to go home

Quavo: Ok

The doctor left

Nookie: I needa a new phone

She said laughing

Quavo: That's what you get for breaking it

They laughed and he put his arm over her shoulder and they walked to the bed Zia was in. 5 minutes later the 2 others doctor came in with an Machine tested her brain while I holded her hand and Quavo holded the other one

Nurse: You seem clear sweetheart you can go home 

She highfives Zia

We walked to the bed and started getting her ready. We walked out the room went to the lobby and headed out the doors were the paparazzi was geekin taking pictures I tried to cover Zia face while we was walking to the car I put her in the car and Quavo drove off. While we was driving Quavo phone rong

Quavo: Hello

Jose: Come to the studio and chill witus

Quavo looked at Zia and Nookie

Quavo: Nahh my daughter just got out the hospital and I needa spend time with her

Jose: Aight cuz tell my baby I said hi 

Quavo:  Zia Jose said hi

Jose: Not Zia I was talm bout Nookie but you can tell Zia that too

Quavo started laughing 

Quavo: Bitch quite playing with me

They hung up

The pulled up to the house and went inside Nookie took a bath Then Quavo then Zia after that they order a pizza and watched a movie 

Quavo POV

Spending time with the babymama and my daughter ment so much to me I hope this moment do never end we might have another child you may never knoe. After we ate and finished the movie we went upstairs and slept in are bed with Zia that moment was LIFE.


The end is here !!! :(   Much love  much love much love to this book it will hurt me by pushing complete but I will have to do what I have to do but ya never know might coem up with The life of Zia Nookie and Quavo or Nookie might be a surprise guest in my new book New girl in town #JUSTWAITONIT

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