Family Interaction

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Nookie POV

As I woke Up in the hospital bed to Annizia crying I picked her up and rocked her then saw Quavo knocked out in the chair thats when the nurse came in

Nurse: Ok your all good to go but here are some baby food you have to feed her until she grows and is big enough to drink Similac

Nookie: Ok so when do I start to put here on Similac

Nurse: Ummm about when she's 2 months old

Nookie: Ok

The nurse took Annizia and got her ready while I woke Qua up and got ready as we walked on the room with Quavo holding Annizia in her Car seat we see a lot of family members with gifts and things like dat they looked soo tired but when the Noticed us coming out the room they was so happy

Lyniece: Omg let me see her

Quavo hands her the baby

Ariel: Annie when can I see baby Zia

Nookie:.Umm you can see her now

Takeoff: Ohh my lil cousin

Rich the kid: Damn Qua she looks most like her mama but she got cho hair thats most definitely

Makayla ( Nookie sister) : Yass we both got lil girls I thought I would never say this but is Zia coming to Ariel birthday

Nookie: Girl yeah

As we laughed everybody was just chatting and speaking to my family and Quavo family thats when ever started leaving cuz it was getting late
Quavo POV

Me Nookie and Annizia but we call her Zia for short walked out the hospital doors and seen a bunch of cars and paparazzi taking pictures and asking question

Paparazzi: How was it did it go good

But ok one paparazzi men made me so mad he asked me could that be Quavo baby and I got so mad got in the car and slammed the door Quavo put Zia in the back and put her on her seatbelt and drove home

Quavo: Mann don't let them get in yo head they always try a stir up Drama

Nookie: I know but he just tried to make it seen like I'm a thot or something

Quavo: I know for a fact thats my baby you anit gotta worry bout that as he kissed my forehead

We pulled up to my house where Are families were waiting for us we got out and unlocked the door and everyone walked in I picked Annizia up and saw that she was sleep so I put her in her crib

Ariel: Annie her room is so pwetty

Nookie: Isn't it

Ariel: Can she be my friend

Nookie: Yeah she can be your sister too

Ariel: Yay I got a baby sister

Nookie walks down stairs where everyone is talking at

Makayla: Damn is takeoff single Cuz he look good

Nookie: Yeah go talk to him

Makayla: Ok

She went over there and started talking to him

Mom : Where do we put Zia gifts at

Nookie: Put em in her room on the floor I'll put em up

Quavo mom : Nookie can I talk to you
Nookie: Yes

They go in the kitchen

Quavo mom: Ummm thanks for keeping my son on hold I would never think he would be a father

Nookie: Yeah we had or ups and downs but he go still be in my life no matter what

Quavo mom: Yeah some girls would put my baby on child support and try to take his money but I'm glad you got him and I really like you

I gave her a hug and we walked out the kitchen

As I was talking to my cousin Ok heard Zia crying so I walked up stairs to her room thats when I fell because her whole room was packed with gifts and clothes I picked her up and took her downstairs sat on the couch and fed her

Jay: Damnn look at my niece

He said breathing very hard

Nookie: Wassup brother

As he hugged her

Jay: Its packed in here

Nookie: Yeah are family here and Quavo family

Jay: Ayee um sis I gotta tell you some
They walked in the kitchen

Jay: Can I plzzz stay here the police are after me

Nookie : No wtf u do ion need my neighbors thinking I'm try a hide u

Jay:I heard you was having a baby but I didn't have to money So I went in baby carters tried to steal but they caught me and I'm on the run

Nookie: Soo all this just happend

Jay: Yeah

Nookie: Wait till mama find out you in trouble

Thats when I heard somebody yelling in the living room Jay Evans we saw you run in here come on out it doesn't have to be hard said a police officer

Mom:.What in the world JAY bring your ass here

Lol jay is stupid

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now