My Day My Way

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Quavo POV

So tomorrow my baby first birthday and she anit finna have no ghetto ass house party her birthday go be a big ass bash. So me and Nookie on the computer searching up jumpy houses and catering so we finally found one and booked it for tomorrow.

Nookie POV

I was in the kitchen making dinner that's when I heard a rattle from outside and looked out the window but didn't see anything so I continued cooking until I heard it again so I was tip toeing to the backdoor in the kitchen thats when Quavo came in the kitchen holding Zia

Nookie: Omg y'all scared me

Quavo: Why was you creeping back there

Nookie: I heard a sound in are backyard like by the trash

Quavo put Zia in her high chair

Nookie: What you finna doe

Quavo: Let's go check

Quavo walks slowly to the door and Nookie walks behind him they open the back door and looked out and didn't see anything so we was about to go back in the house thats when Nookie looked down and saw a raccoon Quavo noticed it too then he grabbed the broom and started hitting everywhere and breaking everything while Zia just laughed and watched with her lil two teeth.

After they made the raccoon leave they cleaned the mess up, ate then went upstairs

Nookie POV
So after we ate we started to go upstairs thats when Quavo stepped on one of Zia Barbie brushes with his socks

Quavo: SHIT

Nookie cover Zia ears

Quavo picks up the toy and throws it in Zia play pen . I put Zia in her princess bed and watched her fake like she was sleep as Nookie laughed at Zia. Nookie walked in her room put on her night clothes and watched TV thats when Quavo hoped in the bed and put his hands over Nookie and started kissing her .

Nookie POV
So me and Quavo was kissing and he was whispering things in my ear we saw the cover kept getting pulled at the end of the bed . So I crawled down to the end of the bed and saw Zia laughing so I picked her up and put her in the middle between me and Quavo

Quavo: She sleeping in here tonight ?
Nookie: Yeah *as she laughed *

Quavo: HUH *as he turned around *

They went to bed and morning came

I woke up and saw Zia and Qua still sleep so I brushed my teeth and washed my face 10 minutes later I walked back into the room and saw Zia in my spot up watching TV laughing as she saw Nookie come in the room

Nookie: You always playing

She walked over to Zia kissed her like 5 times and sang Happy birthday to here thats when Quavo got up and brushed his teeth and came back in the room kissed me and Zia and told her happy birthday then took a shower and got dress

Quavo: I'm finna go and get her birthday shxt set up and get the caters so imma call u around 3 to come

Nookie: Ok

Quavo left so her and Zia went downstairs and made Zia a happy birthday breakfast with fruits but Zia kept eating the fruits so there wasn't anymore so we just ate pancakes with Whipped cream on top. After we got done eating I took a shower and got dress and made Zia a biggg Bubble bath washed her up and did her hair with 2 twist and a bun then went in my clothes and got her birthday outfit out I got her a neon swim suit with some shorts and some Rhine stone shorts with diamond earrings and took her picture posted it on IG and got 14,677 likes and thats when I got a text from Quavo " Baee were y'all at my family her yo family here and about 40 - 50 lil kids here and they looking for Zia" so me and Zia walked out the door and headed to the place where her Party was held at soon as we pulled up we couldnt find no where to park cuz there was like 100 people there so Zia started crying cuz she saw the water and slides out the window and saw a lot of kids so I got frustrated and finally found a parking spot and I grabbed her and we walked to the pool it was so beautiful it had a pink purple and white theme the balloons said 1st birthday and there was two tables stacked with gifts thats when errybody saw us and started geekin saying happy birthday Zia and saw that she was crying

Ariel: Why you crying Zia

As Zia wiped her tears away

Quavo: What you do to my baby

Nookie: Boy I anit do nun she was crying cuz she wanted to get out and she saw the water

So after they talked Zia got in the pool with her cuzins and jumped on the jumpy house ate pizza and sang Happy birthday day

So the birthday party was almost over and Zia was playing with her presents she got for her birthday by the pool with baby Ean until they started arguing cuz Ean tried to take her toy

Ean: Give me

Zia : MINE

Takeoff: Aww look at my lil cuzin on her birthday

Zia rolled her hairs and continued to play with her toys

* evey started laughing *

Thats the end Zia is soo cute and her birthday theme is in Media

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now