We too young to date KIARI !

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Lyniece POV

After that crazy as bitch Erica left everyone ran downstairs lookin confused

Takeoff: What the fuck was that

Nookie: Who was yelling

Offset: Erica crazy ass

Nookie: Awww Kiari I missed you

She went to pick up Kiari 

Kiara: Where Zia at

Nookie: She at my momma house want me to go get her

He nods

Nookie POV

While we all was downstairs talking to Kiara I heard somebody coming downstairs and saw it was my sister in a Ribe lookin naked

Nookie: Wtf you doing here

Makayla smiled at Takeoff

Nookie: Oh hell nah

Makalya: Yeah we mess around now

Takeoff: We did more then mess around

Nookie: Ew

Quavo: Be quite you was finna get it last night

Nookie: NO you thought that

Nookie: Where Ariel ..?

Makayla: She at momma house 

Nookie: Zia over there too

Lyniece: I should go get my newphew and we should take the kids to Chuck E Cheese

Nookie: Yeah we should

Quavo: We going too

Nookie rolled her eyes

They all got dressed and headed out

Nookie POV

We drove to get Lyniece newphew first because he lived a lil close to the mansion we got him and he looked pretty cute for a 4 year old after we got him we went to go get the girls Zia was sooo happy to see Quavo she sat on his lap the whole way to Chuck E Cheese she didn't even wanna talk to me she just gave me a lil kiss thats when we pulled she didn't care about nobody but Chucky we walked in we payed are way and ordered are pizza and sat down ate first and started to play Kiari decied to walk Zia over there to the car and he got in with her

Kiari: Zia come here

Zia walked to him and Kiari tried to kiss her 


Kiari: I only wanted to play


Kiari: I sowwy


Quavo: What's wrong baby

Zia: He .. he .. he tried to kiss me

Offset: Kiari that's yo cuzin you gotta find you another bird

We started laughing

Kiari: Zia wanna come and play again



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