Affairs ..!?!

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Quavo POV 

3:09 am 

Clack Clack Clack as the glass shattered, I hoped out the bed and woke everyone and I took them to the 3rd floor and put them all in one room and told them to lock the door and I went to go get my 9mm. I creeped down the stairs and seen are 2 front glass doors shattered I stepped over the glass and out the door where I saw a Benz with tented windows tryna speed away I started to run into the street and pointed my gun towards they wheel and shot it 1 time and that's when the car stopped.

I ran towards the car and yanked the door opened and some guy with some big lips and a hat pointed a gun towards me and I looked at him and noticed it was Bobby Maze 

Bobby Maze: YEAH NIGGA 

I started to chuckle

Quavo: Shoot me

Bobby Maze: Don't try me nigga

Quavo: Go head if u got the balls

Bobby Maze: I got the balls nigga

He said as he shoot the gun and nothing came out 

I grabbed the gun out his hand and twisted his wrist and put his body up to the car


Bobby Maze: I heard you mess with Nookie and you got her pregant but me and Nookie had a 1 night stand b4 she got pregnant .. a couple weeks after the BET awards and we met up for dinner n shit


Bobby Maze: When I found out she was pregnant I wanteed to be in my baby li-GCO

Quavo: Whatchu mean

Bobby Maze: Me and Nookie fucked and that's when she got pregnant

I sat there and thought WTF and the craziest shit came to mah my I had thought Zia may not be mine

Bobby Maze: And when I found out I thought it could be mine becuz after we did it she found out she was pregnant

Quavo: For real ..

Bobby Maze: I saw her with some Nigga .. it looked like Jose at a bar all huged up n shit that's why I shot yall door up to scare her

Quavo: Jose .. Jose Guapo

Bobby Maze: Yeah I saw them at Hookers and they left together

Quavo: Ohh fr

Bobby Maze: Yeah .. and sorry about the door

Quavo: Ohh nahh you finna pay fo dat

Bobby Maze: How much

Quavo: Ion but just get me 5K just incase

Bobby Maze: Aight .. can u let my arm go

Quavo: Hahha my bad cuz

He said letting go as Bobby Maze handed him the money 

Bobby Maze: What i'm finna do about my car

Quavo: Catch the metro

I said walking back to the house. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed 3 big ass garbage bags and duck tape and tapped the glass door up until the morning so I can call the people to fix it. After I got done I walked up stairs, put my gun away and told the girls everything was ok.

Nookie POV 

I tucked my girls in bed and walked back to my room and look at the time it was 4:01 am I looked over at Quavo and noticed he was silent so I started kissing on his cheek

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now