Its a girl

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Nookie POV
I woke up and brushed my teeth and noticed I had a missed call and a voicemail I answered It an it said " Hey mrs . Nakiyah Evans you made an appointment for the baby seeing and we will be able to squeeze u in between a time around 4 or 4:30 call back if u have any questions" I woke Quavo up and told him about the seeing he brushed his teeth and we took a shower together and got dress he put on 1 of his yrn jacket and some Jordan's with his chain. I put on some joggers my Jordan's and a black and white mickey mouse shirt and headed out the door

We pull up to the hospital and walks in

As we walked in holding hands alot of people was looking and was like omfg but we ignored them signed in and sat down next to the ghetto girl ever

Ghetto girl: Keisha sit cho ass down b4 I hurt u

Nookie looks at her

Ghetto girl: Excuse my kids .. You NOOKIE and that's QUAVO omg I love migos I see you pregnant y'all cute

Nookie: Thanks

Nurse: Nakiyah Evans

Nookie: That's me

As we got up we started walking to the back with the nurse thats when the ghetto girl started yelling at us


Nurse: Ma'am if you don't stop yelling were going to have to ask u to leave

Ghetto girl: I heard you , you anit gotta touch me somebody betta get her

We walked to the back with the Nurse and she took me in a room and told me to lay down she'll be back with the equipment

Quavo: Damnn I never thought I'd be here

Nookie: Shidd me neither

The nurse comes back in and attaches everything up puts gloves on lifts my shirt up and post some jell they use to find the baby she gets the thing moves it around till she finds the baby when she found the baby she started looking for the part on the screen and there was no part

Nurse: This is your lucky day you will be having a girl that looks real healthy

As she takes her gloves off and wipes the jell off

Nurse: Your good to go

We got up signed out and left we drove home while Quavo has his hands on my stomach we walks in the house and I told my mom the news and she wanted me to come and stay the night with her she was only a few minutes down the street so I packed a outfit and drove to her house

Quavo POV

So Nookie left the house Ok needa get this baby room together so I called some builders I know and they came and painted the baby room pink and brought the furniture in Nookie finna be so happy :)
Baby girl room in Media

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now