Not my Zia

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Quavo POV

So after we left Chuck E Cheese we droped everyoneone off at home and headed to are house. We got out the van and headed inside the house I gave Zia a bath while Nookie watched Love N Hip hop I started washing Zia up and got her out that's when I forgot my phone in the room but I just told myself I would get it when I get done getting Zia dressed. I put her on a Hello Kitty onesie and walked out the bathroom she followed me ,she can walk but when she walk she wobble a little so I walked in the room and saw The Tv was on commercial and Nookie wasgone downstairs I looked all over the room for it but couldn't find it so I yelled downstairs and asked Nookie

Quavo: Nookie you seen mah phone

There was no reply

I walked downstairs and saw her in the itcken going threw my phone again I walked up to her and snatched it out her hand

Quavo: What you doing going threw my phone

Nookie: Why did you tell Offset Zia might not be yo baby

Quavo: Stay outta my phone fo I slap the shit outta you

Nookie: Bitch you anit go do shit

They started yelling util they heared a big tumble down the stairs and a big bang at the end of the steps


That's when Zia started screaming her lungs off

Quavo: Zia must of fell down the stairs

We ran in the Living room to the stairs and saw Zia crying really bad Nookie picked her up and Zia kept tryna fall asleep but Nookie wouldn't let her becuz it was dangerous. While Nookie was rocking Zia back in fourth she saw that she had fell asleep Nookie tried to wake her up but couldn't Nookie looked a Quavo with the biggest watery eyes grabbed her keys and ran to the car Quavo followed they speeded to the hospital and into the emergency room

Nookie: This is an emergency

3 Nurses ran over to the and took Zia and rolled her into a room Nookie and Quavo tried to follow them but the doctor told them they couldn't go back they had to wait. Noookie sat down in a chair put her hands in her knees and burst into a tears, Quavo was sitting in the chair as tears fell down his eyes.

Quavo POV

I sat there thinking it was all my fault I should of never left her upstairs by herself. That's when a phone started ringing I thought it was mine but it was Nookie she grabed her phone sat it on the floor and stomped it that's when my phone started ringing and it was Lyniece

Lyniece: Quavo

Quavo sniffing his tears away

Quavo: Yeah

Lyniece: What df happend why you crying

Quavo: You and da boys come to the hospital Zia fell down the stairs and fell asleep now she not waking up 


I hung up the phone and me and Nookie sat there in silence that's when Takeoff, Lyniece , Offset , Nookie family and my family plus the Whole QC Label showed up with big bears and gift bags with cards that's when the doctor walked in

Doctor: The family of Annizia Maire Marshall

The whole room stands up

Doctor: I just need the mother and father

Me and Nookie walked to the back with the doctor 

Doctor: It looks like she fell down the stairs pretty hard and went into a concusion and this concusion looks pretty bad she might have to stay the night or maybe 2

Nookie: Is it ok if we can stay with here

Doctor: You both can but the rest can't stay over night because the visting hours are over in 5 minutes

Nookie and Quavo walked back to the waiting room

Lyniece: She ok

Quavo: Nah she had an concusion

Nookie mom: Not my baby

Takeoff: Damnn lil cuzin 

Rich: Ayee man that's crazy 

Nookie just looked down with tears falling off her face while she was picking with her nails everyone just huged her and Quavo kissed her on her lips

Doctor: I'm srry but visting hours are over

Rich: Were we put these bags at

Quavo: Leave them right here me and Nookie will take them back into Zia room

Lyniece: Ok 

As she gave Nookie a hug and the rest waved and blew kisses

Noookie POV

Me and Quavo walked back into Zia room and saw her still in her concusion while we sat there looking at her heartbeat on the screen. Me and Quavo got on the bed and he layed on Zia left while I layed on the right Quavo fell asleep while I was up crying I thought to myself Please God just let my baby make it threw successful I prayed that night and went to bed .               :'(


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