Offset tryna be a new Quavo

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Nookie POV 

I walked in the living room and sat on the couch becuz I was frustrated Quavo always playing mind games then next thing you know he fucking another bitch he claim he wants me back so bad but Idk. I love him to death and it kills me becuz I love him so much but Idk if I wanna let Quan go but I just have to see where it leads me too, that's when Quavo came inside the living room

Quavo: What's wrong

Nookie: I don't trust you

Quavo: Come on I fucked up about 4 .. 5 times but we can start over the girl's don't wanna keep seeing us aruge .. I wanna be in they life as much as you do too

Nookie: I knoe that but you have to give me time to think

Quavo: Ok 

Zia and Angel came downstairs

Zia: Daddy I anit tryna be rude but I wanna go home now

Quavo: Haha

Angel: What happen to tv

Quavo: It's a long story

Nookie: Lets go girls 

As the girls walked out the door and into the car

Quavo: Nookie wait

Nookie: What ..?

Quavo leaned in and gave her a deep kiss

Zia and Angel: Ohhhh

Nookie: Get yall butts in the car

As she laughed

Quavo: I'll text you

Nookie: Ok

As she got in the car and drove off.

Lyniece POV 

I sat on the couch with the twins and watched them Rakiem was asleep and Danielle was awake playin with my finger that's when Offset came and sat on the couch. He sat so hard on the couch that he made Rakiem jump and he started cryin

Lyniece: Look what you did

She handed him Danielle and Took Rakiem and started rockin him

Offset: He gotta stop all that cryin if he wanna be a lil savage that's the first thing he gotta do

Lyniece: No leave my baby alone

Offset: Tonight i'm stayin at the mansion

Lyniece: Noo you not cuz everytime you go there something happen

Offset: Anit nun go happen

Lyniece: Yes it will when you with Takeoff he gets everyone in trouble do you see how Nookie and Quavo is that's probably go be us in the furture if you don't keep fucking around

Offset: Nahh it anit like that we just go be chillin

Lyniece: Mhm why you wanna go

Offset: Cuz Quavo asked me

Lyniece: You can go but don't try anything

Offset: I won't

As he gave the twins a kiss and me then left out the door, For some reason I didn't belive his ass but we will see.

A couple hours later 

I put the twins in they crib and went to my room and watched TV for a minute I though then I just called Takeoff to see what the boys was doing

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now