Im not pregnant I can't

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A couple weeks after the BET awards

Nookie POV

As I was laying down in bed next to Quavo I felt something sour come up my throat as I ran to the Bathroom and threw up I thought to my self why do I keep feeling sick Knock knock knock my house door went as I went down to open it

Jada:  Bitch u should of non it was me

Nookie:  Lol girl u know my ass

Jada:  What's wrong

Nookie:  I feel sick

Jada:  Did u throw up..? 

Nookie:  Yeah

Jada:  Then ur pregnant

Nookie:  No I'm not

Jada:  Yes you are

Nookie:  I can't be

As she walked in we went and got something to drink I pulled my everfresh out that's when Jada knocked it out my hand as the glass broke

Nookie:  WTF U DOING


Nookie: I WON'T


Quavo walks down stairs and steps in the everfresh puddle with his sock

Quavo:  DAMNN

* we started to laugh*

Jada: When are u going to tell him

Nookie:  Bruhh I'm not pregnant

Jada:  Ohh u not

As she gits up grabs her car keys and grabs my hand as we got in the car

Nookir: Were are we going

Jada: You go see

We pulls up to a drug store

Nookie:  Noo Oh hell nah

Jada:  Yeah

Jada gets out the car and 2 minutes later she comes back with a bag

Nookie:  No u didn't buy me a pregnancy test

Jada:  Ohh Yes I did

We drove back to my house

We walks in and see's Quavo gone that's when I went upstairs while Jada was downstairs waiting for me to get I took the test and it said...


Yess I hope my girl pregnant Vote! 

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now