We Do Make the Perfect Couple

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Nookie POV 

I after me and Quan got done talkin I walked inside the house and sat they bags on the floor

Annizia: This our house ..?

Nookie: Yes

Angel: But it Empty

Annizia: Right

As Annizia folded her arms

Nookie: Are fruniture coming today

Annizia: That's good 

That's when someone knocked on the door, I answered and saw that it was the Ashley home fruniture store people bringing my fruniture beds and decorations about 20 minutes later they wre done and my house looked like a true family home the girls had they own room Annizia had a Hello kitty room and Angel had a Doc Mcstuffin's Room 

Annizia: Mommy I love the house now

Nookie: Wait you didn't love it b4 the fruniture came

Nookie said smiling

Annizia: Nahh not really

Nookie: Who wanna go see Lyniece kids


Nookie: Yup a boy n a girl

I picked up Angel and walked out the front door put the girls in the car and drove off.

Lyniece POV 

I was feeding the twins and rocked them back n fourth while Offset was in the kitchen smoking

Lyniece: Would you put that down n help me with them

Offset: I will put it down when I want 

Lyniece face expression changed she walked upstairs and put the twins in they crib and stayed in they room till she saw they was fully sleep she walked downstairs and walked infront of Offset

Lyniece: Now who df you was talkin too

Offset: See what happend was I umm yeah

Lyniece: Thought soo

Offset mumbled 

Lyniece: What was that

As she lifted up her hand finna back smack him

Offset: Nun 

Iwalked out the kitchen and started to go upstairs when I heard a knoc at the door I went to open it and anit see nobody that's when I looked down and saw Angel smiling

Lyniece: ANGEL

As she gave her a hug

Lyniece: How you get here where yo mama

Angel pointed to the car where Nookie was getting Zia out and they walked inside

Nookie: Hey girl

Lyniece: Girl wassup

Nookie: Nothing got my OWN house

Lyniece: Girl yasss

Angel: Where baby

Lyniece: Babies upstairs

Annizia and Angel walked upstairs

Nookie: Girl you need a glass of wine ..?

Lyniece: Girl yes

They walked in the kitchen and Lyniece pulled Nookie a glass of wine 

Nookie: Soo how you and Set been

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now