Ariel & Zia

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Mom: What in the world jay bring your ass here

Me and Jay walk out the kitchen with my holding Annizia

Police officer: Ma'am your son tried to Steal out of Baby Cater's and ran when we came

Takeoff, Jose, Quavo, Rich the kid,Offset and Skippa burst out laughing

The police officer rolled his eyes and continued to to chew his gum

Police officer: Your son has caused 100 dollars worth of damage from running in the store and knocking stuff down.

Nookie: Really

Police Officer: You have to come with me down to the station and pay your fine u will have court on Wednesday

Jay: Nahh bruh thats next week

Nookie: I'll pay your fine but just go down with them will figure some out
Police Officer: Time to go bud

He puts him in handcuffs and takes him down to the station

Nookie:We'll that was crazy

So after we chatted for a couple of hours every started to go So I put Annizia in her crib and started putting up her stuff and thought my family went off with the gifts she has little clutches and baby timberland etc. Thats when I got a text from my sister

Makayla: Ariel Birthday party tomorrow at Chuck E Cheese

Nookie: Ok what time

Makayla: 4 o'clock

Nookie: Ok

After I got done I went in the room and watched TV with Quavo

Nookie: I need to go to the gym and lose this baby weight

Quavo: Noo you don't you already skinny

Nookie: I knoe but I got a lil baby weight right here

Quavo: Thats just yo stomach

   * they laughed and started going to sleep *

The next morning

Nookie POV
I woke up to Zia crying so I made her a bottle and rocked then put her in her swing I brushed my teeth and washed my face thats when I almost forgot about Ariel Birthday party so I went upstairs and got her an outfit ready then put her in the tub ( a baby one) she was breathing hard Cuz she don't like water and brushed her hair with a baby rush and got her dress thats when I did the same and woke Quavo up then he got dressed and headed out to the car were I put Zia in the backseat and drove to Chuck E Cheese

We pulled up to Chuck E Cheese

We pulled up and saw all are family members cars and walked in

Makayla: Yass y'all made it

Nookie: Where the other ppl at the only ppl here is are family and niece's and nephew

Makayla: I rented it out

Nookie: Yess I glad u did I couldn't stand them random lil kids running around

Ariel: Aww me and my little sister got bows

Nookie: Yup and Happy Birthday Ariel

Ariel:  Thank you

Nookie hands Ariel a 10 and Quavo does the same

So the kids played and ate pizza except Zia she drank a bottle

I really can't take care of newborns so imma skip some months ahead oh yea Zia outfit in Media

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now