The Baby Coming

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Nookie POV
As I came home from my mother's I smelled paint and yelled " Quavo what u fuck up now " He didn't response so I walked to were I smelled the paint and walked into the most beautiful pink baby room and I smiled soo big it couldn't drop I walked to my room where I saw Quavo sleep with paint on his shirt I took my shoes off and laid next to Quavo and watched TV and thats when he woke up and smiled and I smiled back he brushed his teeth and put water on his face an came back and laid down

Quavo: What we go name the baby

Nookie: Ummm was thinking Annizia Marie Marshall

Quavo: Yeah that's cool

Quavo got up and gets dressed

Quavo: I'm finna go to the mansion and see what the boys got going

Nookie: Ok

Quavo left and Nookie went to sleep and woke up hours later Cuz something felt wrong

I woke up and called Lyniece to come over and she was on her way. I just kept having contractions I wobbled downstairs and felt a splash n looks down and see my water broke I started screaming to the top of my lungs thats when Lyniece ran in the house looked on the floor and said its time she helped me in the car and and she drove as fast as she could as I screamed we pulled up to the hospital and got rushed to the emergency room

Nurse: Omg it looks like she's ready to push

Nookie: Call Quavo

As she got rushed to a room

Lyniece calls Quavo

Lyniece: Quavo

Quavo: Yeah * sounding high asf*

Lyniece: Nookie in labor

Quavo: What we on are way

Lyniece POV

As I sat in the waiting room 6 minutes later the whole QC label walked in the waiting room

Nurse: The family of Nakiyah Evans

The whole room stood up

Nurse: We need the spouse to come with us

Quavo: Thats me

She throws him this cap and a thing to put on and they walk back in the room

Doctor: Spouse I going to need you to hold her hand

Quavo: Ok

Doctor: Ok when I tell you to push .. Push

Doctor: PUSH

Nookie pushes

Doctor: PUSH

Nookie Pushes

Doctor: I got the baby push one more time

Nookie pushes and the baby comes out the doctor takes the baby rinses it her off and weighs her and gets her a cover

???: Where my baby at

Nookie: Mom

Mom: Omg my first child

Doctor: You can't be in here now we will tell you when your allowed to visit

As I sat there looking shock and thought that shit was painful thats when they handed me her and I almost cried

Nurse: Aww what's her name

Nookie: Annizia Marie Marshall

I put Annizia on her outfit stared at her and watch her open one eye and the other and thought this was amazing

Quavo POV

Wow look at her she got my long ass hair her mama lips and nose
I took of the stuff and holded Annizia and she fell asleep in my arms and I put her in her baby bed and watched her and Nookie sleep Damnn I'm the only guy but my lil baby go be spolied and a lil savage

Yass comment a name if you want it to be changed and I'll pick one Annizia outfit in media

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now