Anniza attitude

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8 months later

Nookie POV
I woke up and looked out the window and noticed it was a beautiful day to be outside thats when I felt a tug on my leg and saw Zia tugging on my leg so I picked her up

Annizia: ifjtohdyob

Nookie: What you say

As Zia played with Nookie hair thats when Quavo woke up

Quavo: What's all that noise I can't sleep

Nookie: Tell him to shut up

As she put Zia on the bed and she crawled to Quavo and started pulling his dreads laughing with her two teeth

Quavo: Ahhh shi-

Nookie: Watch yo mouth boii

She picked Zia up went downstairs put her in her high chair in front of the TV and gave her a tiny bowl of baby cereal and watched her eat and watch Spongebob so Nookie went up stairs brushed her teeth washed her face and walked in the room

Nookie: Quavo wake up

Quavo: What

Nookie: What we go do for her birthday

Quavo: Chuck E Cheese

Nookie: Eww no its going to be her first birthday I was thinking a pool party with a jumpy house

Quavo: Shidd whatever u got in mind

Nookie: But let's not get ahead of are self Cuz her birthday next week but let's do sum today it feels nd looks good out there

Quavo: Aiight

Thats when I heard Zia crying so I went downstairs and picked her up thats when she rolled her eyes at me

Nookie: Noo you didn't

Annizia: kg vhfhibds

I took her upstairs put her in her play pen and picked her out an outfit I got her some black jeans and her baby timberlands she got when she was young and a cute tan shirt. I picked her up took her clothes off and washed her hair and her up and me and Quavo did the same we got in the car put her in her baby chair and drove off.

While we were driving we drove past a corner store and Was at at a red light thats when Zia started pointing and crying so we pulled over and took her in the store she picked out random stuff thats when Qua tried to get her a juice and she started crying Cuz she didn't won't one so we payed and put her in the car and she ate alot but Nookie took  the rest

Nookie: Your not going to sit right here and eat all this junk food Annizia

Nookie took the bag and Zia threw a huge tantrum so I just gave it to her

Quavo: See my lil baby a savage she go get what ever she want

So we was on are way to a park when Zia kept un tieing her shoes so I kept tieing them back up

We pulled up to a park

We got out and Quavo grabbed Zia hand and I grabbed the other one she kept tryna pull away but we wouldn't let her go so she sat on the ground crying ...

Zia is so spoiled her outfit in media its cute on her

The life Of : Nookie & Quavo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now