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Sophia's POV

I sighed exasperatedly placing another beer down on the bar in front of one of our usual patrons, working here for the past year meant that you started to get to know your usual's and unfortunately the only people that frequented this horrible run down bar were dirty no goods that thought they were entitled to hit on me relentlessly and some even were ballsy to try and lay their hands on me when they were drunk enough and thankfully for me the owner always stepped in with threats to kick them out.

I hated my life, I've had nothing good ever in my own parents hadn't even wanted me and I had been found starving, freezing and abandoned in a park meaning they hadn't even had the decency to leave me in an orphanage, I had been pushed and pulled through the foster system my entire life with each foster family only lasting a couple months at the most when they realised that I wasn't worth the money they got from being my foster family and by the time I turned eighteen I had been in seventy two foster homes over that time...yes I'd counted every single one but they all stopped the moment I turned eighteen and was thrown out into the world to care for myself and I had been for an entire year now which is why I was forced to work in places like this just to be able to afford my rent on my run down and crappy apartment.

"Sophia, go home" Harry told me appearing from his office seeing me still working despite my shift having ended over and hour and a half ago. "You know I can't pay you any overtime and you look like shit" he added making me smile a little.

"I know, this just beats going home" I told him and he chuckled a little.

"Don't lie" I laughed back pulling my waist apron off placing it into my cubby behind the bar pulling out my phone and bag. "I'll see you tomorrow kid"

"Yeah" I left out the back exit looking down either side of the dark alley before I started down to the left, Harry's Bar was in the northern part of Capitol Hill in Seattle and it was past midnight meaning that it was probably unsafe to be walking home but I'd never had an issue so I started the 20minute walk home that I'd walked a thousand times.

I was just passing an alley when I heard someone step out and could distinctly hear their footsteps a few meters behind me which instantly put me on edge mentally cursing for jinxing myself but it could be nothing so I sped up a little intending on taking another route and crossed the dead street to the other side but could still hear them behind me so I sped up even more threatening to run at a moment's notice slyly grabbing the pepper spray out of my bag as I looked behind me but found no one there, that didn't make me feel any better so I started to run ducking down a side alley listening carefully but whoever it was seemed to have given up or I'd been imagining it so I sighed in relief stepping out of my hiding place but that was a mistake as I was suddenly thrown off my feet sailing through the air a few meters before I landed against the ground and I screamed in fear quickly getting to my feet looking around but again couldn't see anyone.

"Who's there?" I called out getting my finger on the trigger of my can of pepper spray ready as I frantically whipped my head down either side of the alley looking for my attacker.

"Boo!" someone laughed behind me but by the time I turned around they were gone.

"What do you want?!" I screamed looking down the alley. "I don't have any money, just leave-" I continued but was cut off when a hand suddenly wrapped around my throat and I was thrown against the alley wall but my attacker was standing in the dark and I couldn't see their face so I didn't wait around to get stabbed and raised my hand pushing down on the trigger spraying pepper spray in their face and they dropped me so I wasted no time sprinting down the alley ignoring the sound of their laughter as the pepper spray seemed to not even affect them. "HELP!" I screamed hoping someone was around to hear me but before I'd made it to the end of the alley I was thrown off my feet again and I landed hard against the ground my head smacking against the pavement leaving a gaping wound and I heard my attacker suddenly suck in a deep breath before they...growled?.

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