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Sophia's POV

The words kept playing over in my head, it wasn't possible but it was, it had happened before in this very house...what was I going to do, could you even abort a hybrid's what Demetri wanted but is it what I wanted...did I want to have this baby...did I want to risk nearly dying.

"Sophia" I heard my name and looked up seeing Edward was now gone from the room leaving me with Carlisle, he was holding a glass of water for me which I took and had a couple of sips to calm my nerves. "Would you like to call Demetri?" I shook my head, I wanted to talk to him but what would I even say to him. "I have to ask, has all this been your choice?" he asked and I frowned appalled that he would even ask me that.

"Of course, he's my husband and I love him we just didn't know this was possible" I told him and he nodded his head.

"My professional opinion is to call him, discuss your options but you should know that this is a very serious question you need to ask yourself since Bella is the only one that we know of to have survived and it wasn't easy"

"He...he doesn't want it" I struggled to say. "Demetri said to get rid of it"

"Is that what you want, your my patient not Demetri?" he asked and I frowned since I didn't know what to think or what to do. "It happens very fast, you'll be pregnant for just under a month so you'll need to decide quickly"

"Can I...can I talk to Bella?" I asked and he seemed surprised by my request but nodded his head and seemingly told Edward through his mind because it wasn't long before he and Bella were walking into the room.

"I'll leave you to talk" Carlisle said leaving the room, Edward still stayed and I guess it was because Bella was still new since Demetri said blood is all you think about, I didn't know what I really wanted to ask her but she'd been through this and I guess I just wanted to really know what I'm in for if I go against Demetri's wishes, I heard Edward scoff and had an amused smile on his lips which made both Bella and I frown at him, me for other reasons since he was reading my mind without my consent again.

"She's exactly like you Bella" he answered her questioning gaze and it was my turn to be confused since how was I like Bella. "I wasn't exactly on board with her pregnancy at first either" he explained my thought question. "She went rogue and went through with it"

"Oh" I said before my eyes met Bella's. "What did you feel when you found out?"

"Shock" she said. "Fear, protective but most of all love, I knew I already loved her"

"You thought it was a boy" Edward smirked at her and she rolled her eyes at him making me smile since it reminded me of how Demetri and I bickered in good moods.

"What was it like?" I asked and wanted an honest answer.

"It wasn't pleasant" she stated giving me an honest answer. "But I wouldn't trade my daughter for anything, you'll crack ribs, you'll grow rapidly in a matter of weeks but most of all you'll starve" my eyes widened since that just sounded horrible. "I grew weaker every hour until we found a way to limit that symptom"

"And what was that?" I asked and they shared a look.

"We discovered that the baby craved blood, she was draining mine in substitute" Bella explained and my frown grew since how the hell did they limit that symptom.

"She began to consume blood, while human" Edward explained and I felt the need to be I was actually gonna be sick...a bin was in front of my face before I'd even gotten the request out and I emptied my stomach contents before looking up seeing Edward holding the bin and Bella had tissues for me to wipe my mouth which I gladly took since it was disgusting.

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