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Sophia's POV

We had begun to walk down a stone staircase into an elevator and the four of them relaxed throwing back their cloaks, letting the hoods fall back on their shoulders as the doors closed and Jane pressed a button sending us down and it was a bit awkward with all of us cramming into it and I found myself practically hiding behind Demetri holding onto his arm as we rode the elevator down there was awful opera music playing and not to mention that it was starting to get cold being this far underground and with Demetri's arm around my waist but I didn't voice anything staying quiet like Demetri told me too, I don't know why I was doing what he said but something told me that he wouldn't tell me to do it if it wasn't important.

The elevator ride was short thank god, we stepped out into what looked like a posh office reception area, the walls were paneled in wood, the floors carpeted in thick deep green and there were no windows but large, brightly lit paintings hanging everywhere as replacements, there was pale leather couches which were arranged in cozy groupings and the glossy tables held crystal vases full of vibrantly colored bouquets, the flowers' smell reminded me of a funeral home.

But what drew my attention was in the middle of the room, there was a high, polished mahogany counter and I gawked in astonishment at the woman behind it, she was tall, with dark skin and green eyes, she looked at me and greeted something in Italian that I didn't understand but Demetri and the others continued walking not even paying the woman any attention and with Demetri's arm around my waist I couldn't stop to say anything back either they just continued toward a set of double doors in the back of the room and Jane pushed them open and my eyes widened as we went through, my eyes gazing around the room.

It was the same ancient stone everywhere else I'd seen but it was dark and cold again, the stone antechamber was not large and it opened quickly into a brighter, cavernous room, perfectly round like a huge castle turret...which was probably exactly what it was.

Two stories up, long window slits threw thin rectangles of bright sunlight onto the stone floor below, there were no artificial lights and the only furniture in the room were several massive wooden chairs, like thrones that were spaced unevenly flush with the curving stone walls.

But what really drew my eyes was the fact that the room was not empty, three men were convened in seemingly relaxed conversation, the murmur of low, smooth voices was a gentle hum in the air but all conversation ceased the moment they noticed our arrival.

"Ah you've returned!" the one in the middle cried in evident delight, his voice was just a soft sighing, he drifted forward and the movement flowed with such surreal grace that I gawked, my mouth hanging open. "And you've brought a guest" his eyes fell onto me and I took note of the milky red eyes much like Demetri and the others. "Who might you be my dear?" he asked leveling his gaze with me but my lips remained tight before I gazed up at Demetri for his guidance and he nodded so I turned back to this person.

"Sophia" I replied before looking at Demetri with confusion, wondering why they'd brought me here and who this man was, he clearly wasn't human either so was this their leader like that blonde man had been the other groups leader.

"Aro" one of the other men sitting in the left throne called to this man in front of me and this Aro turned to him seeing him holding out a hand and Aro wasted no time returning to the platform and took his hand seemingly listening/watching intently which lead me to believe that he might be a mind reader himself but he was different to Edward, he looked like he needed to touch someone to read their thoughts.

"Mm I see" Aro replied before turning to look at me and Demetri. "Il cantante di Demetri" I frowned really wishing I knew Italian since I heard Demetri's breath hitch at those words and Felix chuckled to himself. "May I, my dear?" Aro suddenly asked in front of me holding out his hand clearly signalling me to take his hand, I pulled my hand up but hesitated a second looking at Demetri but he gave me no indication on what to do, he was just staring ahead of us so I made my own decision and placed my hand in this Aro's and watched as his eyes glazed over as he no doubt read my mind. "Your thoughts are such a treasure, so much pain in your life, no love" he spoke and my eyes widened. "You suspect we are not human"

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