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Sophia's POV

I looked up when I heard the door open again and Demetri walked in but he froze immediately when he saw I had the curtains open and looked like he was refusing to step into the beam of sunlight that was currently separating the room.

"Close the curtain" he glared and I frowned confused since he'd been out in daylight before and I knew it didn't burn them so what was he so afraid off. "Close it" I sighed moving the curtain back in front of the window darkening the room once again as I stood angrily and moved away from the window. "You shouldn't open them"

"Why you don't burn so what harm is a little sunlight" I spat at him sitting on the lounge putting my feet up not caring for politeness.


"Complicated" I spat cutting him off. "You know you say that a lot" I added putting my arms around my stomach in hopes it'd stop growling but he must have heard because his head snapped over to me.

"You're hungry!" he exclaimed and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well it is a basic human need" I snapped since I was annoyed and angry at him still.

"I didn't even think-" I scoffed at him and his response was to sigh before he went over to a very old school phone by the door and pressed a button before picking up the phone. "Valentina, prepara del cibo e portalo subito in camera mia" I turned to him with confusion at the Italian before he hung up the phone. "I'm...sorry Sophia, I should have gotten you food hours ago" I ignored him focusing my eyes in my lap toying with the end of my shirt which was beginning to smell seeing as I'd been wearing it for the past three days.
{Translation:  Valentina, prepare some food and bring it to my room right away}

It was only ten minutes later before there was a knock on the door and he answered it, I peered over seeing the same human receptionists from when I arrived standing there with what looked like a tray off food, Demetri took it from her then nodded his head clearly dismissing her before shutting the door in her face which I didn't find very polite he could have at least said thank you.

"Il tuo cibo, signorina" he smirked placing the tray down in front of me on the coffee table and my eyes widened when I saw the amount of food knowing I couldn't possibly eat it all, there was a very large steak looking like it was cooked 'well-done', three baked potatoes, a side of roast carrots, asparagus and a glass of water on the side.
{Translation: Your food, miss}

"I don't speak Italian" I remarked glaring at him.

"I know" he smirked making me roll my eyes as I stared at the food, mouthwatering at the smell but I didn't know whether or not to trust it since I wouldn't put it past them to have poisoned it with something or worse something that turned me since I had no idea how one became a vampire, some legends state you have to ingest their blood and then be killed so how did I know this wasn't a part of their plan. "It's not poisoned Sophia"

"Why don't you eat it first" I argued and watched his face fall.

"I don't eat human food" he replied and my eyes furrowed.

"At all?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, our bodies no longer process the ability to digest and we have to throw up if we eat any normal food, it's very unpleasant" he replied and I frowned at him but decided to risk it since I was starving and he'd revealed more about his species so I guess I had to trust him.

I ignored the vegetables and went straight for the steak, cutting it up and was unattractively scoffing it down drinking some water as well as my mouth was so parched before I moved onto the vegetables leaving the asparagus since I hated it all while Demetri just sat on the other couch watching me eat with mild curiosity in his eyes which unnerved me but I was too hungry to care right now.

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