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Sophia's POV

I didn't fully realize how much my baby would grow since it's only been a few days since I'd woken up a vampire and already she looked like she was 6 months old and's been 6 days and she was already sleeping through the night and I empathized for Bella and Edward since they'd witnessed this not knowing that their growth stops but it was still hard because I wanted her to stay my little baby even though that wasn't going to happen.

Our daughter was currently sleeping tucked up against Demetri who was playing a videogame with Emmett and the other Cullen's that were still in the main house since Bella, Edward, Renesmee and Jacob had all left for the night since it was really late at night and it was a little strange for me still adjusting to the fact that we never have to sleep or feel tired at all which I showed much to Felix and Emmett's amusement.

I sighed leaning back...I kind of just wanted to wake up our daughter just to have something to did these guys not get bored...I saw Demetri turn to me and I let my curiosity run wild on what Demetri did all night when I slept while I was human.

You'd expect us to have been on our way back to Volterra by now but Carlisle wanted to oversee a bit more of our daughters growth, like a lab-rat so he could compare her to Renesmee's since they were the first hybrids that he's ever come across and Aro was nothing if not intrigued himself which is why we had been allowed to stay.

"Come with me tigress" Felix suddenly whispered and I looked up seeing mischief in his eyes and I quickly remembered my promise to him, it's been a hectic last couple of days for me learning to cope with all my new found abilities and the bloodlust, I smirked getting up and we started walking out the back doors.

"Where are you going?" Demetri questioned.

"Just taking the tigress here for a walk, teach her a little something" Felix replied and I had to bite my tongue not to laugh and Demetri clearly saw this.

"What are you two up to?"

"We're just settling a little bet that I promised him" I shrugged and his eyes widened seemingly coming to the correct conclusion.

"No way"

"Sorry Demetri but you look a little tied down, I'll bring her back in one piece" Felix quickly said and we laughed disappearing out the back door and jumping the river which until a few days ago the thought alone scared the crap out of me.

"Now this I gotta see" I could still hear Emmett say and soon he was following behind me and Felix along with Jasper and Alice before I heard the distinct footfalls of Demetri follow soon after as we all stopped in a clearing that was spared trees so that we didn't tear apart and entire forest.

"Don't hold back tigress" Felix smirked as we started to circle each other getting into defensive crouches.

"Not even sure I can" I smirked back seeing Demetri out of the corner of my peripheral eyesight looking worried and I scoffed since I was actually going to enjoy this since so far I barely felt that I had changed with the way I was being coddled and watched like a hawk...yeah I know I had a burning thirst that reared it's ugly head whenever I smelt blood...I sometimes didn't know my own strength and have had to apologize to Esme more than once from accidently crushing a doorknob or two...oh shit!

I ducked as Felix charged me aware that I had let my endless thoughts and brain capacity to distract me but I had moved without even thinking flying to the opposite side of the clearing away from Felix...barely taking a thought before I was moving again cartwheeling away laughing at the frustrated look on Felix's face as he missed me again.

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