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Sophia's POV

I honestly couldn't help love where my life has gone, I'd never actually imagined ever being happy but in the last seven months I've never felt happier than I ever had in my entire life and Demetri was a humongous part of that as well as finally feeling like I belonged in this world, who knew I would feel this great.

"There you two are, I've been looking for you" I smiled looking up watching Demetri walking towards me, I decided it was a nice day out on the Cullen's back lawn and had snuck away with my baby to enjoy it the warm weather.

"Wouldn't be hard for you to find us since you can track your daughter" I smirked as he sat down on the picnic blanket beside me where I've been for the last hour with our daughter, he'd happily discovered that he was able to track his daughter after my training session earlier this morning when we'd had to look for where Rosalie had stolen her away too and he was damn near ecstatic about it after all the fuss of not being able to track me the entire time we've known each other.

"Hey I'm not complaining" he smirked back and I rolled my eyes.

"I feel sorry for Thea in 7 years" I smiled although it was a tiny bit reserved since I still wasn't totally okay that my baby would be a young adult by the time she's seven years.

"No way in hell is she even thinking about boys, I don't care if she looks like an adult at 7 years old, she'll be ninety by the time I even think about allowing her near any boys" Demetri argued and I laughed watching as Thea crawled towards him and into his lap and his attention was immediately fixated on her. "Hi Koritsáki" I raised an eye since I had no idea what that meant, he's started calling her that and I knew it was Greek.
(Translation: Baby girl)

"I'm starting to think I needed to learn Greek" I sighed and he smiled over at me holding onto Thea's hands as she shakily stood on her feet in his lap, she was growing up way too fast.

"I'll teach you girls eventually"

"Maybe I'll learn a lot quicker than I did trying to learn Italian which I'm still not fluent in" I smiled watching as he smiled and focused his attention on our daughter who was bouncing and giggling in his lap, it was both heartwarming and bittersweet since she was looking like she was six months old already. "Carlisle told me he can't get any more blood for me" I sighed figuring to change the subject before I sank into despair over our daughters accelerated growth knowing it was a hole I didn't want to fall down.

"Felix and I were going out hunting tonight, you can join us" he replied looking over at me which made my frown increase as I thought about killing someone, I hated the idea but I was a vampire now and I had to accept that it was what I needed to survive, blood was my sustenance now and I had to hunt.

"I don't know if I can handle killing someone" I looked down avoiding his eyes but he didn't let me do that and I felt his hand underneath my chin lifting my eyes to look at him.

"We'll get through it, trust me" I nodded my head before leaning forward and kissed him before our daughter let out a loud guggle making us laugh and look back at her with wide smiles as we just sat and enjoyed the quiet little moment with her since these times would be all too rare in only a few short weeks.

Around noon Edward informed us that the Denali coven was close so we all stood outside waiting for them with Rosalie once again being the only one absent as she was never hesitant to watch Thea for us which I didn't complain about as I felt bad for her never having the chance to have her own since she was naturally maternal so I was letting her soak up all the baby time she wanted as much as I was knowing that Thea would grow up fast and the fact that it was only a matter of time before Aro needed Demetri and Felix back in Volterra which meant we'd have to leave too.

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