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Sophia's POV

I woke up slowly at first taking in the fact that I was very warm and felt cocooned in a thick blanket but that my hands were freezing and when I flexed my fingers I felt a smooth rock like textured statue but as my eyes opened and I was met with dark rusty red eyes looking down at me, I yawned loudly and heard him chuckle a little.

"Did you sleep okay?" I nodded my head sitting up a little getting myself out of all the blankets.

"I'm okay, except for the suffocating blankets"

"Well you wouldn't exactly let go of me the moment you went back to sleep and then you started shivering in your sleep, I'm not exactly built for cuddles" he replied and I laughed at his choice of words.

"Is that what you let me do, cuddle you"

"Pfft no" he scoffed getting up but I was starting to see that there was a softer side to Demetri and I was beginning to like that about him, I was actually beginning to like a lot of things about him. "You hungry?" he asked and I nodded my head watching him as he walked to the same phone from yesterday. "Valentina, prepara la colazione e portamela in camera" I furrowed my brows, I really needed to learn Italian.
{Translation: Valentina, prepare breakfast and bring it to my room}

"Can you teach me?" I found myself asking him.

"Italian?" I nodded my head. "We'll see" he smirked making me roll my eyes but couldn't help smile at him.

"I'm going to shower" I stood up and started walking towards the bathroom closing the door behind me flipping the lock although I knew that wouldn't stop a vampire.

I had a quick shower just to wash myself down then I climbed out wrapping a towel around myself, I really needed to ask about getting new clothes somehow since they didn't exactly allow me to pick up anything from my apartment not that there was much that I would've wanted to grab for sentimental value.

"Sophia?" I jumped at the knock on the door. "Your foods here"

"Okay I'll be out in minute" I replied pulling on my old clothes before I left the bathroom walking out towards where he was sitting opening a silver food cover. "So I take it a silver stake isn't going to kill you" he laughed at that.

"No, like you've pointed out our bodies are as hard as diamonds, nothing can penetrate our skin except other vampires" I nodded my head before taking a seat and started eating my breakfast, this time I had two poached eggs, a couple of pieces of bacon, some toast and a glass of orange juice.

"So you have to feed often?" I found myself asking and watched his whole body froze. "I'm sorry you don't have to answer, I just...your eyes are darker"

"You're too observant for your own good"

"I'm sorry, I'm just curious"

"I'm sure even someone in your timeline has heard the saying 'curiosity killed the cat'"

"I thought you said you couldn't kill me"

"No I just said I couldn't kill you in that moment"

"Yeah right" I scoffed eating the last thing on my plate which happened to be the bacon. "So I was wondering, is there any way I could leave-" his head snapped up with a deep frown. "To get some clothes and you know...human essentials"

"Oh" he looked down. "Uh...that's not going to be possible, the ancients won't risk letting you out"

"So I'm honestly stuck here for the rest of my life"

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