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Sophia's POV

I never thought in a million years would I have thought that I'd be kidnapped by someone, find out that vampires exist and that my abductor is one, to be living in an ancient castle full of the very creatures but most of all I never thought that I could grow to actually love someone this quickly in spite of all that.

Demetri had been back for a whole two weeks now and in those two weeks I felt myself falling more and more hopelessly and irrevocably for him but coming to this conclusion had also made it hard for me to be constantly around him meaning it was a blessing and a curse to have fallen for the only person I spent 98% of my day with when he wasn't busy with his Volturi business in which I spent with Felix but there were times when I was alone in his room when they were both gone and that was a breath of fresh air for a few hours as I didn't have to worry about saying something that would embarrass me since while I knew that I was falling for Demetri, I knew there was no possible way that he was falling for me when I was just a pathetic human.

My time on this earth was short where his was endless and I wasn't as foolish as to believe that he would even want me around for all eternity, I knew he was keeping me around because I knew about them and I could never leave as they feared I could tell the world even though I would never do that which is why it was better I remained quiet until time said otherwise.

I was currently in the library surprisingly alone but the doors were locked keeping me in but more importantly keeping other vampires from getting in here easily as they'd have to break down the doors, I had seen more of the castle and had even met a few of the others that resided in the castle slowly learning everyone's name.

Aside from the ancients, Jane, Alec, Felix and Demetri I had started to get to know the others as sometimes Demetri and I would pass them on our strolls through the gardens at night or throughout the castle during the day in the areas Demetri was allowed to show me as he'd told me there were parts of the castle forbidden to even him, this is mainly what he called the tower where Caius and Aro's wives lived locked away from harm which I felt was a bit unnecessary and cruel but it wasn't my place so I kept my mouth shut.

In these passing's I had met Chelsea another guard member as Demetri introduced her, she was a short woman with light brown hair and her eyes crimson red like all the other vampires and she was actually very polite and I found myself enjoying whenever I got to talk with her as it was nice to talk to another girl being stuck with Demetri and Felix mostly not that I didn't like their company, through Chelsea I met Afton her husband and he was quite nice and polite to me as well but was less likely to actually stay and chat but I didn't mind as I could see his focus was always solely on Chelsea and I loved the look of pure adoration on his face, they were truly in love.

I had run into Heidi again a few times but she always glared at me and offered me no chance to ask what her problem was with me as whenever we were within 10 feet she'd disappear and whenever I asked Demetri he told me not to worry about it which of course just made me worry even more.

The real horror to me however was when we'd passed the vampire that had attacked me when I tried to leave the very first day I was here and the reason I never went anywhere without Demetri or Felix by my side and Demetri introduced to me to him, Santiago was a bulky man with dark-colored skin and his eyes haunted my thoughts as they appeared more sinister to me than anyone else's as I vividly remember looking into them just before he was about to rip open my neck, whenever we passed in the hall he would smirk and make me feel uncomfortable enough that I always stepped closer to Demetri who always wrapped his arm around my waist and steered me in the opposite direction glaring at him which luckily meant I'd never had to talk to the guy which was fine by me.

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