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Sophia's POV

I was woken up by Demetri when we were preparing to land and moved from the sleeping cabin into the center of the plane where I buckled up while the plane landed at our destination, Demetri seemed excited about wherever we were that the moment the plane had stopped he was unbuckling me and pulling me up.

"Where are we?" I asked as the human pilot opened the airlock doors, it was nearly three in the morning so I was shocked when there was a car waiting for us.

"Welcome to Athens, Greece mi amore" Demetri announced and my eyes went wide in shock looking around.

"Greece!" he nodded his head. "Oh my god" I laughed since I couldn't believe he'd actually brought me to Greece, I know he'd said he would but I didn't take him seriously, I turned back and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him in thanks before letting go and smiling seeing he had blue contact lenses in his eyes.

"Come on" he tugged my hand towards the car where our luggage was being placed into the boot, we climbed into the back seat as there was a driver. "Nkrant Chit Athína, se parakaló" he told the driver who nodded and started driving.
(Translation: Grand Hyatt Athens, please)

It was a long 40 minute drive but I didn't mind at all as I got to witness and drive through one of the most ancient and beautiful cities in the whole world and my eyes never strayed from the window afraid I'd miss something but I couldn't help look back at Demetri seeing he was looking outside as well taking in his home.

I couldn't imagine what it'd be like especially with how modern the world had become and how much everything must be different for him, I leaned into his side more as his arm was wrapped around my shoulders and he turned towards me and smiled before kissing my forehead right as we finally pulled over and I looked out the window seeing we'd stopped at a hotel, the Grand Hyatt in Athens we got out and let the bellboys get our luggage as we went in approaching the front desk seeing the Concierge behind it.

"Kalós ílthate, échete krátisi?"
(Translation: Welcome, do you have a booking?)

"Nai, Voltoúri" Demetri replied smiling, I knew he loved speaking in his native tongue.
(Translation: Yes, Volturi)

"Nai, tous neónymfous, syncharitíria" the concierge smiled, I gave a confused look which made him look at me. "Congratulations" he said in English seemingly understanding that I couldn't understand Greek. "Here you are, the Athena Nike Suite" he held out a set of keys. "Please enjoy your stay and if there is anything we can to make it a good one, please don't hesitate to ask" his accent was still very thick that I had to listen carefully to understand him.
(Translation: Yes the honeymooners, congratulations)

"Sas efcharistó" Demetri nodded at him.
(Translation: Thank you)

"Eísai polý tycherós ántras, eínai ómorfi" the concierge smirked at him and wiggled his eyebrows.
(Translation: You're a very lucky man, she is beautiful)

"Xéro" Demetri smirked back before we headed for the elevator.
(Translation: I know)

Once on the correct floor we exited the elevator and walked to the end of the hall to the double doors that read the Athena Nike Suite, he placed the key in the door and unlocked it before suddenly sweeping me off my feet.

"Really?" I laughed as he carried me through the threshold.

"I'm old fashioned" he laughed back kicking the door shut with his foot walking further into the room before putting me down.

I looked around the room, the color theme was royal blue, black and natural wood, to my right was a large sitting area with white couches, a huge flat screen TV, next to that was an 8-seat dining room table and past that there was a the small kitchenet which had a minibar, coffee maker and a cordless phone.

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