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Sophia's POV

The moment my eyes blinked open I felt the nerves and dread settle in knowing that in just a few hours I was going to be married to Demetri and that was scary but exhilarating at the same time, I slowly got up moving towards the bathroom to wash my face from the sweat of my dream last night locking eyes with myself in the mirror.

It hadn't been one of the worst ones but it wasn't any less terrifying to see Demetri's lifeless corpse especially since I'd seen my own frightening red eyes when I'd caught my reflection in a glass window within the dream, I'd been a vampire and was witnessing my worst nightmare of facing life as an immortal without him.

"God what did you do stay up all night" I looked back seeing Chelsea coming towards me, her hands full of bags and make-up boxes.

"Rough night" I sighed grabbing a hand towel and wiped the rest of the water and sweat away while she set up grabbing a chair and setting it down in front of the mirror.

"Well have a shower and wake yourself up because it looks like I have a lot of work to do to" I nodded and waited for her to leave the bathroom before I jumped into the shower, I washed and conditioned my hair and washed my body with my vanilla scented body lotion before I hopped out wrapping a robe around my person before calling Chelsea in.

"Perfect, sit and relax and I'll have you looking, bellissima" I sighed falling into the chair. "Oh Demetri told me to give you this" I frowned confused until she held out and I-Pod. "He thought it'd help you relax" I smiled taking it remembering him overhearing him wish I had a music player.

"He's back?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes but you won't be seeing him until your walking down that aisle" I rolled my eyes at her sitting back in the chair and put the earbuds in my ear and flicked through the music choices, there wasn't a particular genre but it was a mix of this modern songs and classical music which I really found relaxing so I played most of those while Chelsea worked on my make-up and fixed my hair into an intricate bun.

"I brought the dress" I opened my eyes seeing Jane in the room holding a dress bag but my eyes were more or so locked on my reflection, shocked by my appearance since I didn't even recognize myself.

"Whoa" I moved my hand towards my face to make sure that the mirror was even working right but Chelsea grabbed my hand.

"You'll smudge your make-up" she picked up a small box and pulled out a diamond hair clip which secured a short veil to my hair. "I got you something else as well. "She flipped open a large clothes box and my eyes widened.

"No way!" I exclaimed turning to her wide eyed when I saw the see through lace and silk lingerie set.

"It's your wedding night Sophia, besides I heard you and Demetri talking last night and trust me you'll thank me for it later, now put it on" both her and Jane left the room no doubt intending me to put on the threatening undergarments.

I picked up a piece of it hesitantly frowning deeply at it since I've never cared for dolling it up like some prostitute but this was my wedding night and Demetri loved me but tonight was already going to be nerve racking did I need to add the uncomfortable interaction of wearing this stuff.

"Come on Sophia, we don't have all the time in the world" I heard Jane sneer from behind the door, I sighed and decided to throw caution to the wind, I wanted to remember this night and the thought of Demetri's face was encouraging enough to put it on.

The nerves increased as soon as I was in the garments feeling incredibly out of my depth especially when Chelsea and Jane walked back in and started helping me into my dress after demanding me to close my eyes for a big reveal.

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