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Demetri's POV

Watching Sophia's eyes light up the moment the taxi had stopped at our destination was entertaining in itself since I'd never seen her so excited about anything before and I loved that she was so immersed with the beauty of my homeland, it certainly was strange to see the city after all this time and I haven't been back in Greece in centuries but it was like seeing it all a new through Sophia's excitement.

We visited the Parthenon and I told her stories of what it was like when I was human, how the temple was used as a shrine for the goddess Athena as well as a church, I told her about its history like how in 1456, the Ottomans took over the temple and converted it into a mosque and that two centuries later, Athens was attacked by Venetians while the Ottomans used the Acropolis to store gunpowder and that after the Venetians fired at the Acropolis it blew up the building and part of it was destroyed.

She listened with deep fascination and eyes wide as we walked around hand in hand and even I was captivated by the architecture and how much it had fallen and changed from how I remembered it so we were both seeing all this for the first time so we took our time and just explored everything the city had to offer.


Sophia's POV

Exploring the city and listening to Demetri's recollection of the place he'd grown up in was everything that I imagined it to be and I fell in love with the city feeling as if I could physically picture it through his eyes and through it fell in love with the beauty of it all.

We spent a whole week either exploring more of the city...some even illegal and more fascinating views as Demetri took advantage of his vampire abilities to get us places that were off limits to the public since we had to go at dusk and night time except for the one cloudy day which had been overcast enough that we'd been able to go out but it was all an experience that I wouldn't soon forget and hoped I never would.

The sunny days were all spent inside the hotel cuddled up on the couch watching movies that we rented and I made a note to persuade him into getting one for his room in Volterra as it would be a nice change from the boring days where I just sat around and stared out the windows.

And when we weren't watching Tv you could guess what happened, we'd made love a total of eight times and every time it felt as if it got better and I came out with less bruises and we didn't have to explain the shredded sheets and pillows to the cleaning staff who came to replace them since it was never fun...all this time it was nice being in our own personal little love bubble with no distractions or work schedules for him to attend to but like all good things they had to come to an end as Demetri got the call a total of a week and three days after our wedding that we had to go back since there was finally a solid decision about the war to come so we were currently on our way back to Volterra and I was more than upset that our fun was over and the fact that he was going off to war pretty much.

"Welcome back lovebirds" Felix announced as soon as we walked inside the castle and swept me up in a hug spinning me around a little but I wasn't in the mood.

"Hey Felix" his smile dropped turning to look back and forth between Demetri and me.

"What's wrong with you two?" he asked but I just shook my head.

"I'm gonna head to the room, let you discuss the plans with Aro" I told Demetri, he nodded his head before we shared a quick kiss and I walked to our room shutting the door behind me before I went over to the bed and laid down pulling a pillow to my chest to muffle the cries which rose since I didn't want him to go.


Demetri's POV

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