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Sophia's POV

I groaned letting my head fall back in anguish as Chelsea prattled on pointing out things on her mood board that she'd put together, it's been just a week since Demetri purposed but it's already felt like a lifetime especially since Chelsea had me spending my every waking moment planning some component of our wedding and sometimes even Jane joined us and I just listened to them prattle on about this flower or if those flowers would look better since I'd been no help having no real care or ideas of my own since as long as I married Demetri it was all I cared about.

"I'm telling you, red roses" Jane argued with Chelsea.

"You really think that's a good idea after what happened" I frowned at that one. "The white Calla Lilies are beautiful"

"But they're so plain" I sighed standing up from my chair.

"We could so both, in a small bouquet"

"That's actually not a bad idea" Jane replied and I rolled my eyes since I wasn't as completely hopeless as she believed. "It'll look nice with her dress" I frowned with the reminder of the dress that they were hiding from me deciding for me that I should be surprised.

"I'll ring the flower shop and get them delivered for tomorrow" I sighed hating our fast they were planning the wedding, I was to be married tomorrow and I was beyond nervous about it.

The entire castle was already abuzz and preparations have been started in the ballroom which I hadn't even realized the Volturi had until Chelsea had shown me the room stating it was the perfect place to host the ceremony.

"Now seating arrangements" Chelsea cheered happily and I looked up confused since who the hell were we gonna invite, I heard them start rattling off names that had to be vampires that were in affiliation with the Volturi who she'd already invited and I started to get overwhelmed since I didn't know any of these people even though I knew I'd eventually become a vampire and that I'd probably get to know all these different people it was hard to come to terms that I was going to be in a room full of vampires undertaking a very human custom.

"Okay that's it, I'm stealing my fiancé away" I turned watching Demetri walk into the room and I couldn't help the smile at hearing him call me his fiancé.

"But we're not done" Chelsea complained.

"Please it's not like she's helping" Jane argued and I smiled thankful for her negativity for once.

"Fine but I need her back in five hours Demetri, we have to stick to tradition" I raised an eye in question to that.

"Whatever" Demetri shrugged before I found myself in his arms and being sped out of the room which made me a tad dizzy from the suddenness of it and I swayed a little when I found myself in our room.

"You gotta give me some warning before you do that" I complained steading my feet after he'd put me down.

"Sorry" he chuckled before cupping my cheeks and kissed me making me forget all about my dizziness.

"What was that for?" I asked when he pulled away.

"I missed you" I couldn't hide my face in time to avoid him seeing me blush and his smile grew.

"Your not cute Demetri"

"I beg to differ mi amore" I felt his hands start tracing down to my hips before they settled there while he lowered his head towards my neck starting to leave kisses and my head immediately leaned to the side giving him better access, this was extremely dangerous for us but we'd been doing it a lot more trying to build up his tolerance to the scent of my blood but neither of us could get too distracted knowing that all it took was a second for a mistake to happen.

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