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Demetri's POV

Sophia fell asleep against my shoulder and I sighed hating being here but it was what's best for Sophia and the only way there was the slightest chance that she was going to live through this but I was still terrified of the possibility that I could lose her and I really wish she wasn't going through with this, I'd give anything to have been able to convince her not to have this child.

When Sophia was asleep last I'd grilled the doctor on everything that I should expect and I knew this whole situation was going to kill me, seeing the life being drained out of my mate by the very thing that she was insistent on protecting and loving but at least the doctor had more of an idea on what to do this time than he did with the mind readers mate and that gave me a tiny bit of hope but not enough that I didn't hate this entire situation.

She nuzzled closer into me wrapping her arm tightly around my waist and I frowned since she felt warm to me now and that was worrisome, she was running a fever and I didn't think that was normal...mind reader, I need the doctor up here.

"I have a name you know" I rolled my eyes since I didn't care, my focus was on the doctor that followed behind him and he immediately began fussing over Sophia, taking her temperature and checking her pulse by her wrist.

"She's got a small fever, your body temperature is keeping it to a minor scale right now but Bella was constantly either cold or warm so if she starts getting a chill you'll need to remove her from your body and wrap a blanket around her" I nodded my head since that was just common sense and I've been doing that the entire time I've known her.


Sophia's POV

I woke up feeling feverish and felt the sweat beading down my neck as I sat up frowning as I noticed the lack of Demetri and the fact that I was surrounded in blankets so I quickly threw them off me and stood up walking into the bathroom to wash my face feeling a little sick to my stomach so I tried to drink some water to settle it but it only served to upset my stomach more and I couldn't hold back the urge and let out my stomach contents.

Once I was finished I rinsed my mouth out still feeling sick to my stomach and my hand instinctively dropped to my stomach but frowned when I felt an increase in the size of my stomach and couldn't help lifting my shirt looking at it in the mirror seeing it had grown at least a few centimeters and I didn't know if that was normal, I mean I knew I was going to get super big in a really short amount of time but to grow overnight this much seemed a little strange.

I looked up when I felt eyes on me and saw Demetri in the reflection of the mirror standing in the doorway and he was staring at my stomach with a hard stare, his eyes a brilliant crimson red which told me he'd hunted recently which is why he'd been gone most definitely, I quickly went to cover my stomach but he appeared in front of me and stopped my hands brushing his fingers over the skin on my stomach and I understood why, there was a couple of yellowing bruises that I hadn't noticed before.

"It's hurting you" he glared down at them.

"It's okay" I quickly argued pushing my shirt down. "I'm okay"

"The doctor wanted to see you when you woke up" he told me and I sighed.

"Just let me shower, I feel like I'm in a sauna" I told him seeing the large lavish shower in the corner of the bathroom, it wasn't quite like the one in Demetri's room but right now was not the time to be picky since I still felt the sweat running down my face.

"I'm sorry, I was keeping you cool all night but then you started getting chilled and I needed to hunt and these vegetarians made me swear not to hunt in the area which meant I was gone longer than I should have"

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