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Sophia's POV

I flexed my hands feeling something soft and plush beneath my fingers, my eyes slowly opened taking in the white comforter beneath me and sat up, my eyes widened seeing I had actually slept in the bed, I hadn't slept in a bed once since I'd came here.

I didn't even remember falling asleep last night let alone being moved from in front of the fire, I got up noticing that Demetri wasn't in the room but that wasn't out of the ordinary given I knew he had tasks in the castle and that involved his position in this Volturi Guard even though I didn't know what that was for sure and was pretty sure I didn't really want to know which is why I never asked also because I knew he wouldn't tell me anyway.

I moved into the bathroom showering quickly dressing in pair of black jean shorts, a spaghetti strapped heart shaped top and pulled on my old worn in shoes before I got to work drying my air and styled it down today in soft waves pushing my long fringe behind my ear before I headed out into the living area just as there was a knock on the door.

"Uh...come in" I called hesitantly and the door opened and I watched the new secretary Bianca come in carrying the usual fancy silver tray, her hands shaking a little as she looked at me with a nervous look on her face.

"Mi scusi signorina, faccio colazione su richiesta di Sir Demetri " she said walking over to the coffee table.
(Translation: Excuse me miss, I have breakfast at Sir Demetri's request)

"Thank you" I nodded even though I had no idea what she'd said apart from 'Mi scusi' which was 'Pardon me', 'Signorina' was 'Miss' and of course Demetri so I sort of understood that she was apologizing for coming into my room but she'd brought me breakfast at Demetri's orders.

"Prego"...'You're welcome' she nodded before quicky leaving the room, Bianca didn't hesitate and seemed to be absolutely terrified of being here unlike Valentina had been, I actually missed the days when I went into the kitchen with Felix and I actually started to have conversations with her once I started to understand and learn Italian.

I was finished with breakfast fairly quickly since it was just poached eggs, breakfast sausages and buttered toast with the option of jam which I left not really a fan of it but Demetri must have noticed that I didn't like eating too much in the mornings and requested a smaller breakfast than my previous breakfast meals and I picked up the Italian dictionary to continue to teach myself since Felix had been busy lately and I haven't been able to see him much to continue our lessons.

"Sophia" I looked up smiling at the sound of his voice, it widening when I saw him standing there with a bouquet of blood red roses.

"What are these for?" I asked sitting up before I walked over to him taking note that the stems were tightly wrapped and the thorns had been removed, he wasn't taking any chances this time.

"We're celebrating" he announced and I raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"We are?" he nodded placing the flowers in the vase on the coffee table before he turned back to me.

"It's been an entire month since I brought you here"

"It has?" I was shocked by that since I hadn't really been keeping track of dates. "What date is it today?"

"July 16th" my eyes went wide in shock, I hadn't thought I'd really been here this long or for the fact that today was the 16th of July. "What?" Demetri suddenly asked.

"Oh it's nothing-"

"Sophia" he spoke taking my hand. "Tell me?" he smiled tracing his hand over my cheek leaning close to my face, his breath fanning over my face.

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