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Sophia's POV

I yawned waking up a little stiff from the position that I'd fallen asleep in and quickly stretched my tired and asleep muscles but heard a soft and hearty chuckle from beside me and jumped turning in that direction seeing Demetri sitting on the other end of the couch.

"I wanted to move you but you looked comfortable" he smiled and my mood instantly brightened for the fact that he was here when I woke up, something that hasn't happened in way too long.

"You're here" I pointed out the obvious.

"I'm here" he nodded his smile widening.

"I thought..." I shook my head stopping myself from putting my foot in my mouth and just smiled at him.

"Do you want to go to the kitchen for breakfast or would you like to eat it here, your choice?"

"" I replied just wanting to be alone with him and I didn't like going to the kitchen since Valentina 'left' which is another thing I was dying to ask but knew I wouldn't like the answer so I vowed to keep quiet and not ask.

"Okay I'll be right back, any particular requests"

"Just something small, I'm not that hungry to be honest" I replied and watched him frown, he clearly didn't like that.

"Are you sure, Felix told me you weren't-" I glared at him with the knowledge that he had been checking up on me during that time but had still refused to come and see me until I had tried to...well attempted to... "Okay but you're going to eat a proper lunch then" he conceded with my request leaving the room which allowed me to use the bathroom and forgo my morning human moments while he was gone and changed into some casual clothes before I returned to the living area and sat down reading the rest of my book before he returned with the usual silver tray placing it down. "It's uh...oatmeal, is that okay?" he asked and I nodded with a smile.

"Thank you" I said sitting down lifting the cover off picking up my spoon and started eating, my stomach protesting a little not used to eating in the morning given I haven't for the past week but he was watching me so I was going to make sure I ate something for his sake.

"That doesn't look appetizing at all" he suddenly said making me laugh a little as I ate some off the spoon.

"Does that mean you don't want any?" I asked teasingly and held a spoonful towards him.

"Definitely not, even if I could stomach human food I would never eat that"

"What did you eat in your time for breakfast?" I asked curious.

"A lot of olives, figs and vegetables, some cheese and milk if lucky to have a goat" I recoiled at that since I hated goats milk. "Tiganítis was always my favorite" I had no idea what that was, he clearly spoke Greek.

"What now?"

"It was like a pancake" he simplified for me. "Food in Greece was very simple, bread dipped in wine, salted fish, cheeses, that was basically all we had for breakfast and lunch" he shrugged but I was intrigued just wanting to know more about his culture and life as a human.

"What about dinner?"

"Mostly the same, dinner in Greece was when everyone would gather with friends not family and likely discuss things like philosophy or maybe just daily events" he shrugged frowning which I noticed he did a lot when he was speaking about some parts of his childhood, mostly when the word 'family' was mentioned and I already knew he didn't share very happy memories of his family. "Men and women normally ate separately, in some homes where there was slaves they would serve the men dinner first, then the women and then themselves" I frowned never liking the idea of ancient cultures and slaves. "If the family didn't have enslaved laborers, the women of the house served the men first and then they ate when the men were finished" my face soured even more and I heard him laugh.

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