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Sophia's POV

Five months have passed since my birthday, Demetri and I had barely spent any time apart other then when he had to feed with the others, went on missions or was required to stand guard in the throne room, a task that he'd finally revealed to me as why he had to leave since the Volturi Guard was the main protection for Aro, Marcus and Caius so they all had shifts standing guard as their name implies but I didn't mind since it usually meant he had the day with me and I was usually asleep when he was on guard duty.

My blossoming romance with Demetri isn't the only thing that's gotten better since the more time I'd spent living here the more comfortable I was getting with the many that lived here, Aro and Marcus especially since I loved to hear stories from Aro about the worlds history from his point of view and his child-like fascination and giddiness over things never ceased to make me smile, Marcus had began to further my piano playing skills and I absolutely loved every minute he taught me more complicated pieces from all throughout history.

My friendships had furthered past the two ancients, Felix, Chelsea and Demetri since I'd finally formally met Jane and was surprised by how different she really was from my first opinion...don't get me wrong she still scares the hell out of me knowing about what she can do with a simple thought but she surprised me one day by coming into the library and we actually had a civil conversation and found out that neither of us was what the other had thought, I wouldn't say we're best friends but we could be in the same room without issue.

Alec and Caius are still a working progress but I really was just never in the same room with them being that I only really ventured to the library, the gardens, Demetri's room...or my room as well seeing as I pretty much co-habitat it with him and that was it, so my path never really crossed theirs to change the situation of our relationships.

Apart from all that Aro and Demetri had actually come to an agreement and a trust with me to be able to roam the castle on my own, granted I adhered to certain rules and kept away from the 'do not go' areas, strictly the north wing where the more newer vampires resided 'Demetri's rule' and the tower which is where I learnt that Aro and Caius' mates resided for their absolute protection...apart from those areas I was allowed to wander around on my own but again I really only stuck to the the halls that lead to the library, kitchen, gardens and Demetri's room.

I was currently walking around the garden's taking in the fresh powder of snow that had fallen the previous night creating a beautiful white glow especially with the soft morning rays shining through the ice frozen on the water fountain creating dazzling rays of colors reminding me of the first time I'd seen Demetri in the sun, as its effect was almost the same.

My smile widened with the sudden feeling of someone behind me with the soft breeze of his arrival having blew my hair, I turned around from the fountain finding Demetri smirking wickedly in his Volturi cloak, the hood on his head covering his skin from the raising suns rays as well as having just come off a shift on guard meaning he was in uniform.

"How'd you find me?" I questioned with a smirk, since I'd learnt more about the Volturi during my time here, finally learning and confirming my thoughts that some vampires did process special skills apart from their already frightening abilities.

Jane could in face inflict pain with just a thought hence why I was always cautious around her, Alec has the ability to remove all your senses with what appeared to be a thick smoke which means you can no longer see, hear, feel or taste anything around you which is even more reason I avoid him or angering him.

Aro can read your mind with a single touch, his I'd pretty much figured out on my very first day here and made the connection that he was very similar to the 'animal diet vampire' Edward but he hadn't needed to touch me meaning his worked differently like I learnt all vampires extra abilities did.

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