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Sophia's POV

Once the elevator stopped he lead me up the same staircase and through a set of doors out into a large square with a fountain in the middle and I stopped for a second admiring it around such a lively atmosphere since there was people everywhere which made me a bit nervous and he must have picked up on it.

"What's wrong?"

"Is this safe...for you?" I asked and he laughed.

"It's nighttime Sophia" he pointed out the obvious misunderstanding my question.

"I mean...your uh...thirst" I whispered, so low I would have been afraid he couldn't hear me but I knew he did the moment his lips tightened into a thin line.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about that" he snipped back quickly before he placed his hand on the small of my back and started leading me through the streets, I could tell I had upset him with my question no doubt reminding him of what happened.

"I'm sorry I brought it up" I muttered to him as we walked down a busy street.

"Just drop it Sophia, especially here" he reminded me looking around the busy streets and I nodded remembering that secrecy was the utmost importance but how did they remain a secret, their eyes would give them away wouldn't they...I turned taking in Demetri's face for a second, my eyes quickly widening when I noticed his eyes were not red...they were blue. "What?" he asked seeing my look of shock.

"Your eyes, I didn't notice them before" I replied and his lips finally took on a smile.

"We can't exactly go out with our...natural eye color, they're contacts" he explained keeping his voice low but loud enough that I could hear him while I just took in the change, the blue eyes suited him and I was curious to know if it was his natural eye color from before he was a vampire.

"Is blue-?"

"Yes" he nodded smiling at me already knowing what my question was before I'd even finished it. "Now enough of that, tonight's about showing you the city" he quickly changed the subject taking my hand and lead me to better parts of the city where I got lost in the beauty that I actually forgot that I was exploring the city with a thousand year old vampire and actually did feel quite normal for the first time in actually I felt better than normal, I felt like I was on cloud nine.

I loved taking in the architecture of all the buildings and seeing the castle from the outside even in the dark with the only light being the crescent moon and the city lights was breathtakingly beautiful, Demetri acting like my tour guide was even more amazing than the sights themselves as he never seemed to be bored and was always smiling when I looked back at him which was also a breath of fresh air after the week we've both had.

"Come, we've got one more place that I want to take you" he took my hand again and I smiled as we walked, any onlooker would think we're the perfect couple but I was still confused and conflicted on what Demetri and I were but now was not the time to ask and I was just going to enjoy this time outside the castle with him.

We walked down the hill before he stopped at a small quaint little restaurant and immediately pulled me inside taking a seat at a two seater table in front of the windows and my eyes took in the view since you could see right out past the city walls and even in the dark the landscape surrounding the city was beautiful.

"Everything's so beautiful here"

"I definitely know one thing is exceptionally beautiful to me" he replied making me turn my head towards him seeing him looking at me and I was unable to help the blush flushing my cheeks just as the waiter came but I barely heard or understood him and just let Demetri order some food for me seeing as I couldn't understand the menu anyway. "I hope you like pasta"

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