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Sophia's POV

The next week that past there was a lot of tension between Demetri and I, we spent majority of our time together whenever he wasn't required to be on guard but we barely spoke without it being awkward and I hated it blaming it all on myself for even bringing up our non-existent sex life since I should have already known the answer as it was logical that our relationship would never get to that stage with him constantly thirsting for my blood.

I already knew I put in in constant agony every day from just being in my presence but once again I stupidity put my own foot in my mouth and to make matters even worse for us every night I've been plagued by nightmares and waking up screaming and inconsolable that I could tell the whole castle could hear given the many pitiful and annoyed looks depending on who it was that I always got when I walked through the halls from nearly everyone that lived here, I hated those looks as it just made me feel like an inconvenience to them all once again.

"Little kitten" I looked up from the piano to see Felix walk in, I tensed a little waiting for Demetri to follow behind him since they usually found me in here together having both just finished guard duty but he never did. "He'll be along shortly" Felix must have seen me watching for him, I nodded my head going back to trying to play the new composition that Marcus was teaching me but I was so tired having barely slept last night to avoid the nightmares of either seeing Demetri die or finding him dead. "You two okay?"

"Yeah" I mumbled my fingers missing a few cords.

"You look exhausted" he pointed out sitting beside me.

"Demetri tell you to tell me that?" I spat at him annoyed since Demetri was constantly telling me to get some more sleep after soothing my nightmares but I never wanted to, I didn't need or want to keep seeing him dead especially not when I knew they were practically about to go to war with that other vampire coven and I didn't know if he was even going to survive it.

"No this is me pointing out that you look like shit"

"Thanks" I shot back sarcastically leaning on my arm stopping playing for a second since I'd messed it up completely and tried to think of the next few cords but he suddenly started playing 'Pink Panther' making me smile a little remembering myself teaching him that.

"You really should get some sleep Soph"

"No thanks" I mumbled yawning a little.

"What do you dream about anyway?" he suddenly asked making me more alert as I looked at him with a glare.

"That's none of your business and it's not Demetri's" I spat at him knowing that Demetri definitely put him up to that question seeing as he asked me every night but I didn't want to tell him that I was scared of suffering his death. "Just leave me alone Felix" I added getting up and left the room nearly bumping into someone but I didn't care as I ran down the halls back towards Demetri's room throwing the door open before shutting it and moved over to the window seeing as this was my salvation spot but it wasn't long before I heard the door open and shut again. "I told you to leave me alone Felix"

"Ouch, I feel bad for whatever he did to you back there" I looked up seeing Demetri walking towards me.

"Sorry I thought-"

"Oh I know, you gotta watch where your running next time" I frowned realizing it was him I'd nearly ran into when I left the library.

"Sorry" I turned and looked out of the curtains seeing it was snowing again, more and more snow had been falling which is why I was confided inside since I was getting below freezing outside.

"What's wrong?" he asked sitting beside me.

"Why do you keep asking me that, I'm fine"

"I want to believe that my love but you're not fine, your exhausted and you won't tell me what's wrong"

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