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Sophia's POV

"Hi" I spoke carefully trying to judge his mood even going as far as turning to Edward seeing if he could give me clue into what my husband was thinking, he met my eyes with pursed lips which didn't really tell me a lot.

"Hi?" Demetri questioned eyes narrowing towards me and I frowned lowering my eyes from his face feeling the guilt settle in.

"Let's leave them to talk" Carlisle said and my eyes widened for the fact they were just leaving me alone with him but then my thoughts quickly changed to the fact that I was afraid of being left alone with my own husband.

"Sophia" Edward asked making me look up at him. "It's okay" he nodded at me and that put my mind into a tiny bit of ease before he and Carlisle left the room shutting the door even though I knew that would do nothing to block out the inevitable yelling that was about to happen even if they didn't all have vamp hearing.

"So what, your scared of me now?" Demetri demanded clearly understanding what Edward had reassured me off.

"No" I argued lying and he obviously knew that because he scoffed and crossed to the other side of the room nearing the door Edward and Carlisle had left through.

"What the hell are you doing Sophia?" he asked getting down to it straight away.


"Do you not care about me?" he asked cutting me off when I couldn't come up with an answer.

"You know I do, I love you"

"So why are you doing this to me?" he asked, his hands behind his back as he stood solid in front of me and I recognized his cold posture, he was fighting back his own feelings wanting to appear tough and I had a feeling it was because of the Cullen's, he was Demetri Volturi and he couldn't appear weak to those he was supposed to induce fear to.

"I...I'm sorry"

"Why are you doing this?" he demanded more strongly.

"I...I want it Demetri, it's our baby and I want it"

"Well I don't" he spat at me and I felt my heart shatter with that news, I'd expected it but to hear it cut deeper than any blade ever could. "You really think that I'd want to be a father?"


"Do you think that I want to lose you?" he continued to cut me off. "You always make a big deal out of not lying and keeping things from each other but you decided to have this...thing without even consulting me in the decision, how do you think that makes me feel?"

"I didn't mean to but you didn't really ask me my opinion when I was coming here" I spat back at him, anger replacing the guilt momentarily since he was making this out to be just about me but it wasn't. "You flat out demanded that I have Carlisle kill our baby without even asking me how I felt about the possibility of being pregnant with your child" I threw it back into his face. "It's never about me" I cried, my emotions betraying me.

"That's ridiculous-"

"I've already agreed to change for you, your telling me that you can't try and see this from my perspective" I saw a subtle change in him from the way his lips pursed together more.

"This is different Sophia"

"No it's not" I spat back at him with a glare. "I'm willing to die for something that I want and love just like I was willing to turn for you and if you don't want this then go" I nodded towards the door before I turned away from him not wanting to see if he took me up on that offer because my heart was already breaking from saying it.

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